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Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. 2002: Taraxacum. In: Valdés B., Rejdali M., Achhal El Kadmiri A., Jury S. L., Montserrat J.M. (eds.), Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du nord du Maroc, incluant des clés d´identification. Checklist of vascular plants of N Morocco with identification keys, 693 - 695.
Réblová M. 2002: Synaptospora olandica, a new species from Sweden. Sydowia 54, 248 - 255.
Srutek M, Dolezal J, Hara T 2002: Spatial structure and associations in a Pinus canariensis population at the treeline, Pico del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 34, 201 - 210.
2002: Adamec, L. - Husák, Š. Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in NNR Břehyňský Fishpond near Doksy, Czech Republic. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 40, 45-46 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. - Husák, Š. Sbírka vodních a mokřadních rostlin ČR. Akademický Bulletin, - [11] 12-13 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. - Husák, Š. The Collection of Aquatic and Wetlands Plants of the Czech Republic. Aquaphyte, 22 [2] 14-15 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. - Kondo, K. Optimization of medium for growing the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in vitro. In: Proceedings The International Carnivorous Plant Conference /4/. - (Ed. Kondo, K.). - Tokyo, Hiroshima University 2002. - S. 147-151..
2002: Adamec, L. - Kondo, K. Optimization of medium for growing the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in vitro. Plant Biotechnology, 19 [4] 283-286 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. Leaf absorption of mineral nutrients in carnivorous plants stimulates root nutrient uptake. New Phytologist, 155, 89-100 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. - Lev, J. Ecological differences between Utricularia ochroleuca and U. intermedia habitats. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 31, 14-18 (2002)..
2002: Dubský, M. - Šrámek, F. - Vosátka, M. Inoculation of cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) and poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum. Rostlinná výroba, 48 [2] 63-68 (2002)..
2002: Gryndler, M. - Vosátka, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I. - Jansa, J. Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and cellulose in growth substrate. Applied Soil Ecology, 19, [-] 279-288 (2002)..
2002: Gryndler, M. - Vosátka, M. - Hršelová, H. - Chvátalová, I. - Jansa, J. Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and cellulose in growth substrate. Applied Soil Ecology, 19, [-] 279-288 (2002)..
2002: Hesperis, Aethionema..
2002: Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25 [6] 1341-1358 (2002)..
2002: Macek, T. - Ryšlava, E. - Rezek, J. - Kučerová, P. - Frančová, K. - Chromá, L. - Demnerová, K. - Vosátka, M. - Rydlová, J. - Macková, M. The effect of rhizospheric colonization on PCB degradation in contaminated soil. In: 12th International Biod..
2002: Macek, T. - Ryšlavá, E. - Rydlová, J. - Vosátka, M. - Kochánková, L. - Demnerová, K. - Macková, M. Biodegradation of PCBs in real contaminated soil - the effect of plants and rhizosphere microorganisms. In: Proceedings of the Second European Biore..
2002: Mahelka V., Mandák B. & Bímová K. (2002): Synantropní flóra vybraných sídlišť v CHKO Kokořínsko. (Synanthrophic flora of selected villages in the Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 37: 171–183..
2002: Malcová, R., Gryndler, M., Hršelová, H., Vosátka, M.: The effect of fulvic acids on the toxicity of lead and manganese to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Folia Microbiologica 47, 521 - 526.
2002: Malcová, R. - Gryndler, M. - Hršelová, H. - Vosátka, M. The effect of fulvic acids on the toxicity of lead and manganese to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. Folia Microbiologica, 47 [5] 521-526 (2002)..