Seznam publikací



Mikula P., Zezulka Š., Jančula D. & Maršálek B. 2012: Metabolic activity and membrane integrity changes in Microcystis aeruginosa-new findings on hydrogen peroxide toxicity in cyanobacteria. European Journal of Phycology 47, 195 - 206. doi:10.1080/09670262.2012.687144
Mikulášková E., Fajmonová Z. & Hájek M. 2012: Invasion of central-European habitats by the moss Campylopus introflexus. Preslia 84, 863 - 886.
Mrnka L., Kuchár M., Cieslarová Z., Matějka P., Száková J., Tlustoš P. & Vosátka M. 2012: Effects of Endo- and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Physiological Parameters and Heavy Metals Accumulation of Two Species from the Family Salicaceae. Water Air and Soil Polution 223, 399 - 410. doi:10.1007/s11270-011-0868-8
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Allelopathic effect of Salix caprea litter on late successional plants at different substrates of post-mining sites: pot experiment studies. Botany-Botanique 90, 311 - 318. doi:10.1139/B2012-005
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Obnova Sokolovských výsypek pomocí spontánní sukcese. In: Jongepierova I., Pešout P., Jongepier J. W. & Prach K. (ed.) Ekologická obnova v České republice. AOPK, Praha., 99 - 101.
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Restoration of spoil heaps by spontaneous succession in the Sokolov coal mining area. In: Jongepierova I., Pešout P., Jongepier J. W. & Prach K. (ed.) Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague, 99 - 101.
Mudrák O., Uteseny K. & Frouz J. 2012: Earthworms drive succession of both plant and Collembola communities in post-mining sites. Applied Soil Ecology 62, 170 - 177. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.08.004
Münkemüller T., de Bello F., Meynard C.N., Gravel D., Lavergne S., Mouillot D., Mouquet N. & Thuiller, W. 2012: From diversity indices to community assembly processes: a test with simulated data. Ecography 35, 468 - 480. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2011.07259.x
Münzbergová Z. 2012: Seed Density Significantly Affects Species Richness and Composition in Experimental Plant Communities. PLoS One 7, 1 - 10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046704
Nedbalová L., Nývlt D. & Elster J. 2012: Jezera ostrova Jamese Rosse, zranitelná centra antarktické biodiverzity. Vesmír 91, 432 - 436.
Nedbalová L., Nývlt D., Kopáček J., Šobr M. & Elster J. 2012: Freshwater lakes of Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, north-east Antarctic Peninsula:origin, geomorphology and physical and chemical limnology. Antarctic Science 25, 358 - 372. doi:10.1017/S0954102012000934
Novák J., Sádlo J. & Svobodová-Svitavská H. 2012: Unusual vegetation stability in a lowland pine forest area (Doksy region, Czech Republic). Holocene 22, 947 - 955. doi:10.1177/0959683611434219
Nováková K., Bláha L. & Babica P. 2012: Tumor promoting effects of cyanobacterial extracts are potentiated by anthropogenic contaminants-Evidence from in vitro study. Chemosphere 89, 30 - 37.
Novák P. & Roleček J. 2012: Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner subsp. amarella. Zprávy České botanické společnosti 47, 95 - 97.
Novoa A., González L., Moravcová L. & Pyšek P. 2012: Effects of soil characteristics, allelopathy and frugivory on establishment of the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis and a co-occuring native, Malcolmia littorea. PLoS One 7, 1 - 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053166
Oborny B., Mony C. & Herben T. 2012: From virtual plants to real communities: A review of modelling clonal growth. Ecological Modelling 234, 3 - 19. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.03.010
Palice Z. 2012: Nová lichenologická literatura XXI. Bryonora 49, 53 - 60.
Panova N.K. & Jankovská V. 2012: Dinamika lesnoy rastitel'nosti v pritundrovoy zone Polyarnogo Urala i yuzhnogo Yamala v golotzene. In: Proceedings of the all Russian Conference: Contemporary problems of the sub-tundra forests, Archangelsk, Arctic University of M.V.Lomonosov, 76 - 81.
Pergl J, Perglová I. & Pyšek P. 2012: Heracleum mantegazzianum. In: Francis R. A. (ed.), A handbook of global freshwater invasive species, Earthscan, London & New York, 57 - 65.
Pergl J., Pyšek P., Perglová I. & Jarošík V. 2012: Low persistence of a monocarpic invasive plant in historical sites biases our perception of its actual distribution. Journal of Biogeography 39, 1293 - 1302. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02677.x