Seznam publikací



Heringer G., Fernandez R. D., Bang A., Cordonnier M., Novoa A., Lenzner B., Capinha C., Renault D., Roiz D., Moodley D., Tricarica E., Holenstein K., Kourantidou M., Kirichenko N. I., Pires Adelino J. R., Dimarco R. D., Bodey T. W., Watari Y. & Courchamp F. 2024: Economic costs of invasive non-native species in urban areas: An underexplored financial drain. Science of the Total Environment 917, 1 - 12.
Hof A. R., Mina M., Mairota P., Aguilar F., Leitinger G., Brůna J., Koivula M., Klopčič M., Sjörgen J. & Vacchiano G. 2024: A perspective on the need for integrated frameworks linking species distribution and dynamic forest landscape models across spatial scales. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1 - 10. doi:10.3389/fevo.2024.1112712
Hofmeister J., Pouska V., Palice Z., Šoun J., Gloor R., Brabec M. & Vondrák J. 2024: Hot-spots of epiphytic and epixylic lichens in fragmented temperate forests are underpinned by microhabitat heterogeneity and spatiotemporal habitat continuity. Biological Conservation 292, 1 - 9. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110563
Holmes R., Pelser P., Barcelona J., Tjitrosoedirdjo S. S., Wahyuni I., van Kleunen M., Pyšek P., Essl F., Kreft H., Dawson W., Wijedasa L., Kortz A. R., Hejda M., Berrio J. C., Siregar I. & Williams M. 2024: Naturalizations have led to homogenization of the Malesian flora in the Anthropocene. Journal of Biogeography 51, 394 - 408. doi:10.1111/jbi.14766
Hordijk I., Bialic-Murphy L., Lauber T., Routh D., Poorter L., Rivers M. C.,ter Steege H., Liang J. J., Reich P. B., de-Miguel S. & et al. 2024: Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33, 1 - 21. doi:10.1111/geb.13889
Hošek J., Pokorný P., Storch D., Kvaček J., Havig J., Novák J., Hájková P., Jamrichová E., Brengman L., Radoměřský T., Křížek M., Magna T., Rapprich V., Laufek F., Hamilton T., Pack A., Di Rocco T. & Horáček I. 2024: Hot spring oases in the periglacial desert as the Last Glacial Maximum refugia for temperate trees in Central Europe. Science Advances 10, 1 - 14.
Chondol T., Korznikov K. A. & Doležal J. 2024: Ecological significance of marcescence in Himalayan plants: Why is standing dead phytomass more important in demanding, resource-limited environments? Functional Ecology 38, 942 - 954. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14513
Chumová Z., Havlíčková E. & Trávníček P. 2024: Český přínos k poznání kapské flóry. Živa 72, 168 - 172.
Chumová Z., Havlíčková E., Zeisek V., Šemberová K., Mandáková T., Euston-Brown D. & Trávníček P. 2024: Deciphering Pteronia's evolution in the Cape Floristic Region: A comprehensive study disputes polyploid deficiency and affirms diploid radiation. Plant Journal 119, 2236 - 2254. doi:10.1111/tpj.16914
Chumová Z., Monier Z., Šemberová K., Havlíčková E., Euston-Brown D., Muasya A. M., Bergh N. G. & Trávníček P. 2024: Diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the flagship Cape species Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis (Asteraceae): variation in distribution, ecological niche, morphology and genetics. Annals of Botany 133, 851 - 870. doi:10.1093/aob/mcad084
Chytrý, M., Řezníčková, M., Novotný, P., Holubová, D., Preislerová, Z., Attorre, F., Biurrun I., Blažek P., Bonari G., Borovykm D., Čeplová N., Danihelka J., Davydov D., Dřevojan P., Fahs N., Guarino R., Güler B., Hennekens S. M., Hrivnák R., Kalníková V., Kalusová V., Kebert T., Knollová I., Knotková K., Koljanin D., Kuzemko A., Loidi J., Lososová Z., Marcenò C., Midolo G., Milanović Dj., Mucina L., Novák P., Raab-Straube E. von, Reczyńska K., Schaminée J. H. J. , Štěpánková P., Świerkosz K., Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Tichý L., Vynokurov D., Willner W. & Axmanová, I. 2024: FloraVeg.EU — An online database of European vegetation, habitats and flora. Applied Vegetation Science 27, 1 - 12. doi:10.1111/avsc.12798
Infante M., Luceño M., Quirós-de-la-Peña B., Míguez M., Muñoz J., & Heras P. 2024: Sphaerocarpos ibericus sp. nov. (Sphaerocarpaceae), a new European liverwort species that includes S. stipitatus auct. eur. non Lindenb. Journal of Bryology 46, 122 - 132.
Ismaeel A., Tai A. P. K., Santos E. G., Maraia H., Aalto I., Altman J., Doležal J., Lembrechts J. J., Camargo J. L., Aalto J., Sam K., Avelino do Nascimento L. C., Kopecký M., Svátek M., Nunes M. H., Matula R., Plichta R., Abera T. & Maeda E. E. 2024: Patterns of tropical forest understory temperatures. Nature Communications 15, 1 - 10. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-44734-0
Janiková E., Konečná M., Lisner, A., Applová M., Blažek, P., E-Vojtkó A., Götzenberger L. & Lepš J. 2024: Closely related species differ in their traits, but competition induces high intra-specific variability. Ecology and Evolution 14, 1 - 14. doi:10.1002/ece3.70254
Janoušková M. 2024: Spojenci pod zemí. Přírodově 13, 22 - 23.
Kalusová V., Čeplová N., Danihelka J., Večeřa M., Pyšek P., Albert A., Anastasiu P., Biurrun I., Boch S., Cottaz C., Essl F., Kuzemko A., Maslo S., Mifsud S., Protopopova V. V., Shevera M., Sîrbu C., Svenning J.-C., Welk E. & Axmanová I. 2024: Alien plants of Europe: an overview of national and regional inventories. Preslia 96, 149 - 182. doi:10.23855/preslia.2024.149
Kantelinen A., Svensson M., Malíček J., Vondrák J., Thor G., Palice Z., Svoboda S. & Myllys L. 2024: A phylogenetic study of Micarea melaeniza and similar-looking species (Pilocarpaceae) unveils hidden diversity and clarifies species boundaries and reproduction modes. MycoKeys 106, 327 - 353. doi:10.3897/mycokeys.106.123484
Kaplan Z., Danihelka J., Prančl J., Chrtek J. Jr., Ducháček M., Šumberová K., Nunvářová Kabátová K., Taraška V. & Wild J. 2024: Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 13. Preslia 96, 1 - 96. doi:10.23855/preslia.2024.001
Karimi Nezhad M. T., Šamonil P., Daněk P., Jaroš J., Hájek M., Hájková P., Jabinski S., Meador T. B. & Roleček J. 2024: Lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes uncover paleovegetation changes in extremely species-rich forest-steppe ecosystems, Central Europe. Environmental Research 259, 1 - 17.
Kemppinen J., Lembrechts J. J., Van Meerbeek K., Carnicer J., Chardon N. I., Kardol P., Lenoir J., Liu D., Maclean I., Pergl J., Saccone P., Senior R. A., Shen T., Słowińska S., Vandvik V., von Oppen J., Aalto J., Ayalew B., Bates O., Bertelsmeier C., Bertrand R., Beugnon R., Borderieux J., Brůna J., Buckley L., Bujan J., Casanova‐Katny A., Christiansen D. M., Collart F., De Lombaerde E., De Pauw K., Depauw L., Di Musciano M., Díaz Borrego R., Díaz‐Calafat J., Ellis‐Soto D., Esteban R., de Jong G. F., Gallois E., Garcia M. B., Gillerot L., Greiser C., Gril E., Haesen S., Hampe A., Hedwall P., Hes G., Hespanhol H., Hoffrén R., Hylander K., Jiménez‐Alfaro B., Jucker T., Klinges D., Kolstela J., Kopecký M., Kovács B., Maeda E. E., Máliš F., Man M., Mathiak C., Meineri E., Naujokaitis‐Lewis I., Nijs I., Normand S., Nuñez M., Orczewska A., Peña‐Aguilera P., Pincebourde S., Plichta R., Quick S., Renault D., Ricci L., Rissanen T., Segura‐Hernández L., Selvi F., Serra‐Diaz J. M., Soifer L., Spicher F., Svenning J., Tamian A., Thomaes A., Thoonen M., Trew B., Van de Vondel S., van den Brink L., Vangansbeke P., Verdonck S., Vítková M., Vives‐Ingla M., von Schmalensee L., Wang R., Wild J., Williamson J., Zellweger F., Zhou X., Zuza E. J. & De Frenne P. 2024: Microclimate, an important part of ecology and biogeography. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33, 1 - 23. doi:10.1111/geb.13834