Seznam publikací



Wada T., Kudoh S., Koyama H., Iakovenko N., Elster J., Kvíderová J., Otani M., Shimada S. & Imura S. 2023: Abundance and biomass of Bdelloid rotifers in the microbial mats from East Antarctica: The ecological relations between microscopic phototrophs and invertebrate. Ecological Research 38, 317 - 330. doi:10.1111/1440-1703.12368
Wiezik M., Jamrichová E., Máliš F., Beláňová E., Hrivnák R., Hájek M. & Hájková P. 2023: Transformation of West‑Carpathian primeval woodlands into high‑altitude grasslands from as early as the Bronze Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 32, 205 - 220. doi:10.1007/s00334-022-00896-9
Willner W., Wessely J., Gattringer A., Moser D., Záveská E., Dullinger S., Schönswetter P. & Hülber K. 2023: Post‐glacial range formation of temperate forest understorey herbs–Insights from a spatio‐temporally explicit modelling approach. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, 1046 - 1058.
Xu T., Wang R., La Q., Yonezawa T., Huang X., Sun K., Song Z., Wang Y., Bartish I. V., Zhang W. & Cheng S. 2023: Climate heterogeneity shapes phylogeographic pattern of Hippophae gyantsensis (Elaeagnaceae) in the east Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. Ecology and Evolution 13, 1 - 18. doi:10.1002/ece3.10182
Young L. A., Maughan P. J., Jarvis D. E., Hunt S. P., Warner H. C., Durrant K. K., Kohlert T., Curti R. N., Bertero D., Filippi G. A., Pospíšilíková T., Krak K., Mandák B. & Jellen E. N. 2023: A chromosome-scale reference of Chenopodium watsonii helps elucidate relationships within the North American A-genome Chenopodium species and with quinoa. The Plant Genome 16, 1 - 17.
Zalewska‑Gałosz J., Kwiatkowska M., Prančl J., Skubała K., Lučanová M., Gebler D. & Szoszkiewicz K. 2023: Origin, genetic structure and evolutionary potential of the natural hybrid Ranunculus circinatus × R. fluitans. Scientific Reports 13, 1 - 15. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-36253-7
Záveská E. 2023: Známé i neznámé tropické zázvory. Botanika 11, 6 - 9.
Zeidler M., Husek V., Banaš M. & Krahulec F. 2023: Homogenization and species compositional shifts in subalpine vegetation during the 60-year period. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 92, 1 - 10. doi:10.5586/asbp/171689
Zhang Z., Yang Q., Fristoe T. S., Dawson W., Essl F., Kreft H., Lenzner B., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Weigelt P., Winter M., Fuentes N., Kartesz J. T., Nishino M. & van Kleunen M. 2023: The poleward naturalization of intracontinental alien plants. Science Advances 9, 1 - 10. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adi1897
Abraham V., Kuneš P., Vild O., Jamrichová E., Plesková Z., Werchan B., Svitavská‑Svobodová H. & Roleček J. 2022: Spatial scaling of pollen‑plant diversity relationship in landscapes with contrasting diversity patterns. Scientific Reports 12, 1 - 10.
Adamec L. 2022: Resorption of N, P and K from the floating and submerged leaves of the aquatic fern Salvinia natans. Botanica Serbica 46, 253 - 258. doi:10.2298/BOTSERB2202253A
Adamec L. & Kučerová A. 2022: Morphometry of shoots and flowers of Utricularia minor at a large site in the Czech Republic. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 51, 84 - 91. doi:10.55360/cpn512.la025
Adamec L., Plačková L. & Doležal K. 2022: Cytokinins and auxins in organs of aquatic carnivorous plants: what do they reflect? Annals of Botany 130, 869 - 882. doi:10.1093/aob/mcac122
Adhikari J. N., Bhattarai B. P., Rokaya M. B. & Thapa T. B. 2022: Distribution of invasive plants and their association with wild ungulates in Barandabhar Corridor Forest, Nepal. Folia Oecologica 49, 182 - 191. doi:doi:10.2478/foecol-2022-0021
Adhikari J. N., Bhattarai B. P., Rokaya M. B. & Thapa T. B. 2022: Land use/land cover changes in the central part of the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. PeerJ 10, 1 - 22.
Albert Á.-J., Bitomský M. , Götzenberger L., Mudrák O. & Klimešová J. 2022: Seed production of co-occurring species: Regenerative strategies, plant economic spectrum or architectural constraints? Basic and Applied Ecology 58, 121 - 129. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2021.12.001
Aldorfová A., Dostálek T. & Münzbergová Z. 2022: Effects of soil conditioning, root and shoot litter addition interact to determine the intensity of plant–soil feedback. Oikos 2022, 1 - 12. doi:10.1111/oik.09025
Ardestani M.M., Mudrák O., Vicena J., Sun D.Q., Veselá H. & Frouz J. 2022: Microbial community from species rich meadow supports plant specialists during meadow restoration. Functional Ecology 36, 1573 - 1584. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14052
Bach W., Kreft H., Craven D., König C., Schrader J., Taylor A., Dawson W., Essl F., Lenzner B., Marx H., Meyer C., Pergl J., Pyšek P., van Kleunen M., Winter M. & Weigelt P. 2022: Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness. Ecography 2022, 1 - 12. doi:10.1111/ecog.06227
Bang A., Cuthbert R. N., Haubrock P .J., Fernandez R. D., Moodley D., Diagne C., Turbelin A. J., Renault D., Dalu T. & Courchamp F. 2022: Massive economic costs of biological invasions despite widespread knowledge gaps: a dual setback for India. Biological Invasions 24, 2017 - 2039.