Seznam publikací



Vojík M. & Boublík K. 2018: Fear of the dark: decline in plant diversity and invasion of alien species due to increased tree canopy density and eutrophication in lowland woodlands. Plant Ecology 219, 749 - 758. doi:10.1007/s11258-018-0831-5
Volf M., Segar S. T., Miller S. E., Isua B., Sisol M., Aubona G., Šimek P., Moos M., Laitila J., Kim J., Zima J. Jr., Rota J., Weiblen G. D., Wossa S., Salminen J., Basset Y. & Novotný V. 2018: Community structure of insect herbivores is driven by conservatism, escalation and divergence of defensive traits in Ficus. Ecology Letters 21, 83 - 92. doi:10.1111/ele.12875
Vondrák J., Malíček J., Palice Z., Bouda F., Berger F., Sanderson N., Acton A., Pouska V. & Kish R. 2018: Exploiting hot-spots; effective determination of lichen diversity in a Carpathian virgin forest. PLoS One 13, 1 - 19.
Vondrák J., Shahidin H., Haji Moniri M., Halıcı G. & Košnar J. 2018: Taxonomic and functional diversity in Calogaya (lichenised Ascomycota) in dry continental Asia. Mycological Progress 17, 897 - 916.
Westermeier A. S., Sachse R., Poppinga S., Vögele P., Adamec L., Speck T. & Bischoff M. 2018: How the carnivorous waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa) snaps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 285, 1 - 10. doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.0012
Wu S. L., Vosatka M., Vogel-Mikus K., Kavcic A., Keleme M., Sepec L., Pelicon P., Skala R., Powter A. R. V., Teodoro M., Michalkova Z. & Komarek M. 2018: Nano Zero-Valent Iron Mediated Metal(loid) Uptake and Translocation by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbioses. Environmental Science and Technology 52, 7640 - 7651. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05516
Yazlik A., Pergl J. & Pyšek P. 2018: Impact of alien plants in Turkey assessed by General Impact Scoring System. NeoBiota 39, 31 - 51. doi:10.3897/neobiota.39.23598
Yurchenko T., Ševčíková T., Přibyl P., El Karkouri K., Klimeš V., Amaral R., Zbránková V., Kim E., Raoult D., Santos L. M. A. & Eliáš M. 2018: A gene transfer event suggests a long-term partnership between eustigmatophyte algae and a novel lineage of endosymbiotic bacteria. ISME Journal 12, 2163 - 2175. doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0177-y
Zahradníček J., Chrtek J., Ferreira M. Z., Krahulcová A. & Fehrer J. 2018: Genome size variation in the genus Andryala (Hieraciinae, Asteraceae). Folia Geobotanica 53, 429 - 447.
Zalewska-Gałosz J., Kaplan Z. & Kwolek D. 2018: Reinterpretation of Potamogeton ×nerviger: solving a taxonomic puzzle after two centuries. Preslia 90, 135 - 149. doi:10.23855/preslia.2018.135
Zamora J. K., Svensson M., Kirschner R., Olariaga I., Ryman S., Parra L. A., Geml J. & al. 2018: Considerations and consequences of allowing DNA sequence data as types of fungal taxa. IMA Fungus 9, 167 - 175. doi:10.5598/imafungus.2018.09.01.10
Záveská Drábková L. 2018: Muďoul – banánovník severu. Botanika 5, 24 - 25.
Záveská Drábková L. 2018: Vůně, nektar a evoluce. Rostliny a vůně – 1. díl. Botanika 5, 8 - 10.
Zhang Y., Latzel V., Fischer M. & Bossdorf O. 2018: Understanding the evolutionary potential of epigenetic variation: a comparison of heritable phenotypic variation in epiRILs, RILs, and natural ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Heredity 2018, 257 - 265. doi:10.1038/s41437-018-0095-9
Abraham V., Novák J., Houfková P., Petr L. & Dudová L. 2017: A Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm and pedoanthracological data reveal Late Holocene woodland history in the lowlands of the NE Czech Republic. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 244, 54 - 64.
Adamec L. 2017: Co je společné a zásadní pro masožravé rostliny? Živa 65, 80 - 81.
Adamec L. 2017: Quantification of growth benefit of carnivorous plants from prey. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 46, 1 - 7.
Addico G. N. D., Hardege J. D., Kohoutek J., deGraft-Johnson K. A. A. & Babica P. 2017: Cyanobacteria and microcystin contamination in untreated and treated drinking water in Ghana. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology 8, 92 - 106. doi:10.4081/aiol.2017.6323
Adhikari Y. P., Fischer A., Fisher H. S., Rokaya M. B., Bhattarai P. & Gruppe A. 2017: Diversity, composition and host-species relationships of epiphytic orchids and ferns in two forest in Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science 14, 1065 - 1075. doi:doi: 10.1007/s11629-016-4194-x
Alberti J., Bakker E. S., van Klink R., Olff H. & Smit C. 2017: Herbivore exclusion promotes a more stochastic plant community assembly in a natural grassland. Ecology 98, 961 - 970. doi:10.1002/ecy.1741