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Alba C. 2013: Northernwestern mixed grasslands. In: Howarth R. W. ( ed.) Biomes and ecosystems, Salem Press - EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, 921 - 923.
Alba C. 2013: Temperate grasslands. In: Howarth R. W. ( ed.) Biomes and ecosystems, Salem Press - EBSCO Publishing, Ipswich, 182 - 187.
Alba C., Prioreschi R. & Quintero C. 2013: Population and leaf-level variation of iridoid glycosides in the invasive weed Verbascum thapsus L. (common mullein): Implications for herbivory by generalist insects. Chemoecology 23, 83 - 92. doi:10.1007/s00049-012-0121-y
Altman J., Doležal J., Černý T. & Song J. S. 2013: Forest response to increasing typhoon activity on the Korean peninsula: evidence from oak tree-rings. Global Change Biology 19, 498 - 504. doi:10.1111/gcb.12067
Altman J., Hédl R., Szabó P., Mazůrek P., Riedl V., Müllerová J., Kopecký M. & Doležal J. 2013: Tree-Rings Mirror Management Legacy: Dramatic Response of Standard Oaks to Past Coppicing in Central Europe. PLoS One 8, 1 - 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055770
Amini Rad M. & Hroudová Z. 2013: Leaf and stem anatomy in Iranian Bolboschoenus species (Cyperaceae), as related to their taxonomy and ecology. Iranian Journal of Botany 19, 221 - 234.
Aschenbach K., Condrad R., Řeháková K., Doležal J., Janatková K. & Angel, R. 2013: Methanogens at the top of the world: occurrence and potential activity of methanogens in newly deglaciated soils in high-altitude cold deserts in the Western Himalayas. Frontiers in Microbiology 4, 1 - 14. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2013.00359
Axmanová I., Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Lustyk P., Kočí M., Kubešová S., Horsák M., Cherosov M. M. & Gogoleva P. A. 2013: Plant species richness-productivity relationships in a low-productive boreal region. Plant Ecology 214, 207 - 219. doi:10.1007/s11258-012-0160-z
Bahram M., Koljalg U., Kohout P., Mirshahvaladi S. & Tedersoo L. 2013: Ectomycorrhizal fungi of exotic pine plantations in relation to native host trees in Iran: evidence of host range expansion by local symbionts to distantly related host taxa. Mycorrhiza 23, 11 - 19. doi:10.1007/s00572-012-0445-z
Bergamini A., Bisang I., Eckstein J., Hájek M., Hájková P., Hedenäs L., Hofmann H., Lienhard L. & Schnyder N. 2013: Beiträge zur bryofloristichen Erforschung der Schweiz - Folge 8. Meylania 50, 21 - 31.
Bošela M., Máliš F., Kulla L., Šebeň V. & Deckmyn G. 2013: Ecologically based height growth model and derived raster maps of Norway spruce site index in the Western Carpathians. European Journal of Forest Research 132, 691 - 705. doi:10.1007/s10342-013-0708-z
Boublík K., Douda J., Hédl R. & Chytrý M. 2013: LBE01 Luzulo luzuloidis-Fagetum sylvaticae Meusel 1937. Chytrý M. (ed.) Vegetace České republiky. 4 Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Academia, Praha., 268 - 271.
Boublík K., Douda J., Hédl R. & Chytrý M. 2013: LBE02 Calamagrostio villosae-Fagetum sylvaticae Mikyška 1972. Chytrý M. (ed.) Vegetace České republiky. 4 Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Academia, Praha., 271 - 274.
Boublík K., Douda J., Hédl R. & Chytrý M. 2013: Svaz LBE Luzulo-Fagion sylvaticae Lohmeyer et Tüxen in Tüxen 1954. Chytrý M. (ed.) Vegetace České republiky. 4 Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Academia, Praha., 266 - 268.
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Brůna J., Wild J., Svoboda M., Heurich M. & Müllerová J. 2013: Impacts and underlying factors of landscape-scale, historical disturbance of mountain forest identified using archival documents. Forest Ecology and Management 305, 294 - 306. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.06.017
Carpentier C., Dahlhaus A., van de Giesenc N. & Marsalek B. 2013: The influence of hard substratum reflection and calibration profiles on in situ fluorescence measurements of benthic microalgal biomass. 15, 783 - 793. doi:10.1039/C3EM30654B
Cepák V. & Lukavský J. 2013: Cryoseston of the Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria. 72, 257 - 268. doi:10.2478/botcro-2013-0012
Čada V., Brůna J., Svoboda M. & Wild J. 2013: Dynamika horských smrčin na Šumavě. Živa 61, 213 - 216.
Čámská K., Pavlásek J., Bezděčka P., Bezděčková K., Bauer P. & Hadincová V. 2013: Modrásci v povodí Jílovského potoka na Děčínsku - co přinesl výzkum. Ochrana přírody 2013, 20 - 22.