Seznam publikací



Hájková P. & Široká A. 2022: Výskyt mechu Meesia uliginosa s.str. v glaciálním sedimentu na Českomoravské vrchovině. Bryonora 69, 1 - 6.
Hancock S. C., Essl F., Kraak M.-J., Dawson W., Kreft H., Pyšek P., Pergl J., van Kleunen M., Weigelt P., Winter M., Gartner G. & Lenzner B. 2022: Introducing the combined atlas framework for large-scale web-based data visualization: the GloNAF atlas of plant invasion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 1073 - 1081. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13820
Harrison S. P., Villegas-Diaz R., Cruz-Silva E. & al. (incl. Bobek P., Jamrichová E.) 2022: The Reading Palaeofire Database: an expanded global resource to document changes in fire regimes from sedimentary charcoal records. Earth System Science Data 14, 1109 - 1124. doi:10.5194/essd-14-1109-2022
Haubrock P. J., Cuthbert R. N., Hudgins E. J., Crystal-Ornelas R., Kourantidou M., Moodley D., Liu C., Turbelin A. J., Leroy B. & Courchamp F. 2022: Geographic and taxonomic trends of rising biological invasion costs. Science of the Total Environment 817, 1 - 9.
Hédl R. 2022: Příčiny vysoké biodiverzity sudetských karů: stará teorie v nových souvislostech. Živa 70, 285 - 287.
Hédl R. 2022: Úpadek a obnova jesenických horských holí. Jeseníky Rychlebské hory 9, 16 - 17.
Hédl R. 2022: Výmladkové lesy: kdysi běžné, pak téměř zapomenuté a dnes znovu obnovované. In: Krčmářová J. (ed.) Stromy v zemědělství. Historie a současnost agrolesnictví v České republice, Středisko společných činností AV ČR, Praha., 57 - 67.
Heinken T., Diekmann M., Liira J., Orczewska A., Schmidt M., Brunet J., Chytrý M., Chabrerie O., Decocq G., De Frenne P., Dřevojan P., Dzwonko Z., Ewald J., Feilberg J., Graae B. J., Grytnes J.-A., Hermy M., Kriebitzsch W.-U., Laiviņš M., Lenoir J., Lindmo S., Marage D., Marozas V., Niemeyer T., Paal J., Pyšek P., Roosaluste E., Sádlo J., Schaminée J. H. J., Tyler T., Verheyen K., Wulf M. & Vanneste T. 2022: The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): concept and applications. Journal of Vegetation Science 33, 1 - 16. doi:10.1111/jvs.13132
Hejda M., Čuda J., Pyšková K., Zambatis G., Foxcroft L. C., MacFadyen S., Storch D., Tropek R. & Pyšek P. 2022: Water availability, bedrock, disturbance by herbivores, and climate determine plant diversity in South‑African savanna. Scientific Reports 12, 1 - 19.
Henriques N. R., Lourenço G. M., Souza Diniz É. & Cornelissen T. 2022: Is elevation a strong environmental filter? Combining taxonomy, functional traits and phylogeny of butterflies in a tropical mountain. Ecological Entomology 47, 613 - 625. doi:10.1111/een.13145
Herben T., Šašek J., Balšánková T., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Krak K., Pecháčková S. & Skálová H. 2022: The shape of root systems in a mountain meadow: plastic responses or species-specific architectural blueprints? New Phytologist 235, 2223 - 2236. doi:10.1111/nph.18132
Hierro J. L., Eren Ö., Čuda J. & Meyerson L. A. 2022: Evolution of increased competitive ability may explain dominance of introduced species in ruderal communities. Ecological Monographs 92, 1 - 19.
Hofmeister J., Vondrák J., Ellis C., Coppins B., Sanderson N., Malíček J., Palice Z., Acton A., Svoboda S. & Gloor R. 2022: High and balanced contribution of regional biodiversity hotspots to epiphytic and epixylic lichen species diversity in Great Britain. Biological Conservation 266, 1 - 6. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109443
Höfner J., Klein-Raufhake T., Lampei C., Mudrák O., Bucharova A. & Durka W. 2022: Populations restored using regional seed are genetically diverse and similar to natural populations in the region. Journal of Applied Ecology 59, 2234 - 2244. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14067
Hošková K., Neustupa J., Pokorný P. & Pokorná A. 2022: Phylogenetic, ecological and intraindividual variability patterns in grass phytolith shape. Annals of Botany 129, 303 - 314. doi:10.1093/aob/mcab143
Húdoková H., Petrik P., Petek-Petrik A., Konôpková A., Leštianska A., Střelcová K., Kmeť J. & Kurjak D. 2022: Heat‑stress response of photosystem II in five ecologically important tree species of European temperate forests. Biologia 77, 671 - 680.
Chattová B., Cahová T., Pinseel E., Kopalová K., Kohler T. J., Hrbáček F., Van de Vijver B. & Nývlt D. 2022: Diversity, ecology, and community structure of the terrestrial diatom flora from Ulu Peninsula (James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula). Polar Biology 45, 873 - 894. doi:10.1007/s00300-022-03038-z
Cheek M. D., Wilson J. R. U., Richardson D. M. & Procheş Ş. 2022: The status of arboreta in South Africa and the taxa they contain. Southern Forests-A Journal of Forest Science 84, 174 - 191. doi:10.2989/20702620.2022.2102453
Chelli S., Ottaviani G., Tsakalos J. L., Campetella G., Simonetti E., Wellstein C., Bartha S., Cervellini M. & Canullo R. 2022: Intra-and inter-specific leaf trait responses of understorey species to changes in forest maturity. Forest Ecology and Management 506, 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119977
Chlumská Z., Liancourt P., Hartmann H., Bartoš M., Altman J., Dvorský M., Hubáček T., Borovec J., Čapková K., Kotilínek M. & Doležal J. 2022: Species- and compound-specific dynamics of nonstructural carbohydrates toward the world's upper distribution of vascular plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 201, 1 - 11. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2022.104985