Seznam publikací



Divíšek J., Chytrý M., Beckage B., Gotelli N. J., Lososová Z., Pyšek P., Richardson D. M. & Molofsky J. 2018: Similarity of introduced plant species to native ones facilitates naturalization, but differences enhance invasion success. Nature Communications 9, 1 - 10. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06995-4
Djukic I., Kepfer-Rojas S., Schmidt I. K., Larsen K. S., Beier C., Berg B., Doležal J., Petřík P., … & Tóth, Z. 2018: Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment 628-629, 1369 - 1394. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.012
Do D. & Záveská Drábková L. 2018: Herbarium tale: the utility of dry specimens for DNA barcoding Juncaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution 304, 281 - 294. doi:10.1007/s00606-017-1476-x
Doležal J., Dvorský M., Börner A., Wild J. & Schweingruber F. H. 2018: Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya. Springer International Publishing, 1 - 615. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-78699-5
Dostálek J. & Frantík T. 2018: Obnova suchého vřesoviště v Praze: porovnání účinku pastvy a shrnování drnu. In: Jongepierová I., Pešout P. & Prach K. (eds.) Ekologická obnova v České republice II, AOPK ČR, Praha, 111 - 114.
Dostálek J. & Frantík T. 2018: Změny druhového složení sekaných porostů travinné a mokřadní vegetace po revitalizaci suchého poldru Čihadla. Natura Pragensis 24, 61 - 80.
Dostálek J., Frantík T., Pospíšková M. & Křížová M. 2018: Population genetic structure and delineation of conservation units in European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) across its native range. Flora 246-247, 26 - 32. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2018.06.007
Dostálek T., Rokaya M. B. & Münzbergová Z. 2018: Altitude, habitat type and herbivore damage interact in their effects on plant population dynamics. PLoS One 13, 1 - 18. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0209149
Douda J., Havrdová A., Doudová J. & Mandák B. 2018: Legacy of postglacial colonisation affects β-diversity: Insights into local community assembly processes. Journal of Biogeography 45, 1604 - 1615. doi:10.1111/jbi.13235
Drumonde Melo C., Luna S., Krüger C., Walker C., Mendonça D., Fonseca H. M. A. C., Jaizme-Vega M. & Câmara Machado A. 2018: Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under Picconia azorica in native forests of Azores. Symbiosis 74, 43 - 54. doi:10.1007/s13199-017-0487-2
Dudová L., Hájek M., Petr L. & Jankovská V. 2018: Holocene vegetation history of the Jeseníky Mts: Deepening elevational contrast in pollen assemblages since late prehistory. Journal of Vegetation Science 29, 371 - 381. doi:10.1111/jvs.12612
du Preez B., Dreyer L. L., Schmickl R., Suda J. & Oberlander K. C. 2018: Plastid capture and resultant fitness costs of hybridization in the Hirta clade of southern African Oxalis. South African Journal of Botany 118, 329 - 341. doi:DOI: 10.1016/j.sajb.2017.06.010
Dvorský M., Klimeš L., Doležal J., Wild J. & Dickoré B. W. 2018: A Field Guide to the Flora of Ladakh. Academia, Praha, 1 - 291.
Ellison A. M. & Adamec L. 2018: Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 1 - 510. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198779841.001.0001
Ellison A. M. & Adamec L. 2018: Introduction: what is a carnivorous plant? In: Ellison A. M. & Adamec L. (eds.) Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 3 - 6. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198779841.003.0001
Ellison A. M. & Adamec L. 2018: The future of research with carnivorous plants. In: Ellison A.M. & Adamec L. (eds.) Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 408 - 409. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198779841.003.0029
Endriss S. B., Alba C., Norton A. P., Pyšek P. & Hufbauer R. A. 2018: Breakdown of a geographic cline explains high performance of introduced populations of a weedy invader. Journal of Ecology 106, 699 - 713. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12845
Essl F., Bacher S., Genovesi P., Hulme P. E., Jeschke J. M., Katsanevakis S., Kowarik I., Kühn I., Pyšek P., Rabitsch W., Schindler S., van Kleunen M., Vilà M., Wilson J. R. U. & Richardson D. M. 2018: Which taxa are alien? Criteria, applications, and uncertainties. Bioscience 68, 496 - 509. doi:10.1093/biosci/biy057
Ewald J., Hédl R., Chudomelová M., Petřík P., Šipoš J. & Vild O. 2018: High resilience of plant species composition to coppice restoration - a chronosequence from the oak woodland of Gerolfing (Bavaria). Tuexenia 38, 61 - 78. doi:10.14471/2017.38.001
Ferenc M., Sedláček O., Tropek R., Albrecht T., Altman J., Dančák M., Doležal J., Janeček Š., Maicher V., Majesky L., Motombi F. N., Murkwe M., Sáfián S., Svoboda M. & Hořák, D. 2018: Something is missing at the bottom: Importance of coastal rainforests for conservation of trees, birds and butterflies in the Mount Cameroon area. African Journal of Ecology 3, 679 - 683. doi:10.1111/aje.12506