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Klimešová J., Nobis M.P. & Herben T. 2015: Senescence, ageing and death of the whole plant: morphological prerequisites and constraints of plant immortality. New Phytologist 206, 14 - 18. doi:10.1111/nph.13160
Knappová J. & Münzbergová Z. 2015: Low seed pressure and competition from resident vegetation restricts dry grassland specialists to edges of abandoned fields. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 200, 200 - 207. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2014.11.008
Kohout P., Doubková P., Bahram M., Suda J., Tedersoo L., Voříšková J. & Sudová R. 2015: Niche partitioning in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate grasslands: a lesson from adjacent serpentine and nonserpentine habitats. Molecular Ecology 24, 1831 - 1843. doi:10.1111/mec.13147
Kolář F., Kaplan Z., Suda J. & Štech M. 2015: Populations of Knautia in ecologically distinct refugia on the Hercynian massif belong to two endemic species. Preslia 87, 363 - 386.
Kolář F., Píšová S., Záveská E., Fér T., Weiser M., Ehrendorfer F. & Suda J. 2015: The origin of unique diversity in deglaciated areas: traces of Pleistocene processes in north-European endemics from the Galium pusillum polyploid complex (Rubiaceae). Molecular Ecology 24, 1311 - 1334. doi:10.1111/mec.13110
Kolář F., Šumberová K. & Ducháček M. 2015: Cerastium dubium - rožec pochybný. Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích 55, 16 - 17.
Kollár J., Fránková M., Hašler P., Letáková M. & Poulíčková A. 2015: Epiphytic diatoms in lotic and lentic waters - diversity and representation of species complexes. Fottea 15, 259 - 271. doi:10.5507/fot.2015.022
Komárek J. 2015: About endemism of cyanobacteria in freshwater habitats of maritime Antarctica. Algological Studies 148, 15 - 32. doi:10.1127/algol_stud/2015/0219
Komárek J. 2015: Co je polyfázický přístup v moderní taxonomii sinic. Botanika 3, 6 - 7.
Komárek J., Genuário D.B., Fiore M.M. & Elster J. 2015: Heterocytous cyanobacteria of the Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology 38, 475 - 492. doi:10.1007/s00300-014-1609-4
Komárek J. & Hindák F. 2015: The distribution of the genus Eucapsis (Cyanobacteria, Synechococcales) in the western Carpathians. Limnologický spravodajca 9, 29 - 35.
Komárek J. & Johansen J.R. 2015: Coccoid cyanobacteria. Wehr, J.D., Sheath R.G. & Kociolek J.P. (eds.), Freshwater Algae of North America, Elsevier London, Waltham, 75 - 133. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-385876-4.00003-7
Komárek J. & Johansen J.R. 2015: Filamenous cyanobacteria. Wehr, J.D., Sheath R.G. & Kociolek J.P. (eds.), Freshwater Algae of North America, Elsevier London, Waltham, 135 - 235. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-385876-4.00004-9
Komárek J., Sirová D., Komárková J. & Rejmánková E. 2015: Structure and function of cyanobacterial mats in wetlands of Belize. In: Entry J.A. et al. (eds) Microbiology of the Everglades ecosystem, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, New York, 194 - 217.
Konvalinková T., Püschel D., Janoušková M., Gryndler M. & Jansa J. 2015: Duration and intensity of shade differentially affects mycorrhizal growth- and phosphorus uptake responses of Medicago truncatula. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1 - 11. doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00065
Kopalová K., Kociolek J. P., Lowe R. L., Zidarova R. & Van De Vijver B. 2015: Five new species of the genus Humidophila (Bacillariophyta) from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Diatom Research 30, 117 - 131. doi:10.1080/0269249X.2014.998714
Kopecký M. & Macek M. 2015: Vegetation resurvey is robust to plot location uncertainty. Diversity and Distributions 21, 322 - 330. doi:10.1111/ddi.12299
Košuthová A., Svitková I., Pišút I., Senko D., Valachovič M., Zaniewski P. T. & Hájek M. 2015: Climatic gradients within temperate Europe and small-scale species composition of lichen-rich dry acidophilous Scots pine forests. Fungal Ecology 14, 8 - 23. doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2014.10.005
Kozáková R., Pokorný P., Peša V., Danielisová A., Čuláková K. & Svitavská Svobodová H. 2015: Prehistoric human impact in the mountains of Bohemia. Do pollen and archaeological data support the traditional scenario of a prehistoric “wilderness”? Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 220, 29 - 43. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.04.008
Krahulec F. 2015: Vzpomínka k nedožitým stým narozeninám Prof. Emila Hadače (1914-2003). Východočeský sborník přírodovědný - Práce a studie 22, 145 - 149.