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- Plant biostimulants and their effects on symbiotic microorganisms
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- Department of Experimental and Functional Morphology
- Laboratory of population genetics
- Molecular Biology Laboratories
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- Centre for Phycology
- Department of Invasion Ecology
- Department of Functional Ecology
- Department of Genetic Ecology
- Department of GIS and Remote Sensing
- Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses
- Department of Population Ecology
- Department of Flow Cytometry
- Department of Taxonomy
- Department of Vegetation Ecology
- Analytical Laboratory
- DNA Laboratory
- Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Karyology
- Optics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Paleoecology
- Experimental Gardens
- Department geobotany
- Center for Biodiversity Research
- Current projects
- Stanoviska
- Fire in postglacial Central Europe
- PhD Programme
- Veřejné zakázky
- Video and poster presentations
- Herbarium PRA
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- Masterpage
- #6936 (no title)
- Arboretum of the Průhonice Park
- Herbarium collections
- Collection of mycorrhizal fungi
- A novel approach for monitoring, toxicity evaluation and risk assessment of cyanobacterial toxins – a use of passive samplers – PS4CTX (2011 – 2013)
- ALARM – Assessing Large scale environmental Risk for biodiversity with tested Methods (2004 – 2009)
- Biological and climate diversity of the central part of the Svalbard Arctic archipelago (2007 – 2010)
- BIORAF: Competence centre for biorefining research (2012-2019)
- CAREX – Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme (2008 – 2010)
- Comparison of selected features of cyanobacteria and microalgae originated from polar and temperate regions (polyphasic approach) (2007 – 2011)
- DAISIE – Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (2005 – 2008)
- Design and calibration of modular autonomous station for the measurement of soilmoisture and temperature conditions in vast point clusters (2011-2013)
- Detection and monitoring of invasive species using unmanned aircraft
- Digitization of the most valuable parts of collections in Czech herbaria
- Diversity and evolutionary processes in aquatic plants Towards a worldwide monograph of family Potamogetonaceae
- EPTOCOL: Energy plantations technology on contaminated land (2008-2011)
- EU-PEARLS, a new EU research project coordinated by Wageningen UR, aims to develop new crops for the production and exploitation of natural rubber and latex in Europe. (2008 – 2012)
- Fire in postglacial Central Europe: neglected historical and present effect in forest dynamics
- Flora of the Czech Republic
- Giant Alien – Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) a pernicious invasive weed: Developing a sustainable strategy for alien invasive plant management in Europe (2001 – 2005)
- Implementation of science and research in education 2012-2015
- Integration of experimental and population biology using new methods in interdisciplinary practice – path to excellence with young scientists, (reg. number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0048)
- Long-term woodland dynamics in Central Europe: from estimations to a realistic model (2012–2016)
- Multidisciplinary ecological research of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation within the IPY (2007 – 2009)
- Plant diversity analysis and synthesis centre (PLADIAS)
- PRATIQUE – Enhacements of Pest Risk Analysis TechniQUes (2008 – 2011)
- Production of dormant stages and stress resistance of polar cyanobacteria and algae (2007 – 2011)
- Renovation of castle Alpine Rock Garden
- Spatially explicit historical information as a basis for conservation planning and development of close to nature forests in Bohemian Switzerland (2009-2011)
- The rescue of endemic priority plant species Minuartia smejkalii
- Whole-genome processes interact with ecology and geography in shaping plant invasiveness: a global population-level study of the genus Phragmites
- Significant projects
- Projects
- Collections
- New publications on WoS
- Lectures and seminars
- Conferences and summer schools
Posts by category
- Category: Banners
- Category: News
- New Flora and Vegetation of Nepal
- Belowground plant organs and their functional ecology
- Researchers from the Institute of Botany discovered a new type of coexistence between algae and fungi
- Hundred-year-old riddle in botany reveals key plant adaptation to dry land
- British Ecological Society Harper Prize 2021 awarded to Dina int Zandt
- Celebrate with us the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Botany
- The Life for Minuartia project has been selected as one of the finalists for the LIFE Awards 2022
- We condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its people
- Number of Earth’s tree species estimated to be 14% higher than currently known, with some 9,200 species yet to be discovered
- Institute of Botany of the CAS celebrates its 60th anniversary
- The global loss of floristic uniqueness
- The Institute of Botany has received an international award in human resource management, the “HR Excellence in Research”
- A garden in the desert at Expo 2020
- 33rd Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)
- New book: Atlas of Stem Anatomy of Arctic and Alpine Plants Around the Globe
- Looking deep into nature
- Towards a better understanding of belowground plant organs
- How to be the first in the plant kingdom
- Comparative Plant Succession among Terrestrial Biomes of the World
- Anatomic Atlas of Aquatic and Wetland Plant Stems
- 33rd Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) postponed
- Special issue of Folia Geobotanica on seed germination
- Jan Kolář of the Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young researchers
- Go belowground! with ecologists from Třeboň
- Seminar European orchids in the age of extinction
- Climate action urgently required to protect human health in Europe
- Agroforestry – an Environmental and Production Alternative in Agriculture
- Dr. Harmony J. Dalgeish will give a talk in Průhonice
- PhD course “Go belowground! 2019”
- Workshop Progress in the use of UAS Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
- New issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published
- New issue of Folia Geobotanica on the Carpathian flora has been published
- Destructive tropical cyclones move north
- New book “Temperate herbs: an architectural analysis“
- PhD course “Go Belowground 2018!”
- Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya
- A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 2/2018
- A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 1/2018
- A database of critically revised data on Czech flora and vegetation has been launched
- Ken Thompson and Jitka Klimešová on disturbance frequency, severity and effects on plant traits
- A field guide to the flora of Ladakh by botanists from the Institute of Botany has been published
- Special issue of Folia Geobotanica on the ecology of clonal plants has been published
- František Krahulec from IB was awarded the Gregor Johann Mendel Honorary Medal for Merit in the Biological Sciences
- Carnivorous Plants: Physiology, ecology, and evolution
- Borneo’s forests are a vulnerable tropical carbon sink
- Flora and Vegetation of the Czech Republic – the first comprehensive summary published by Springer
- Three researchers from the Institute of Botany appear on Highly Cited Researchers List 2017
- Stories of the Biological Collections of the CAS in the Průhonice Castle
- Filip Kolář from Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young researchers
- Go belowground!
- A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 2/2017
- Péter Szabó from IB elected new President of the European Society for Environmental History
- Global hotspots of established alien plants and animals revealed
- Exhibition Annual rings in Visitor Centre of the Průhonice Park
- Radim Hédl from the IB with colleagues from Germany and Norway edited a special feature of Applied Vegetation Science on vegetation resurveys
- Jan Suda (1974-2017)
- Petr Pyšek from the IB will be awarded Robert H. Whittaker Distinguished Ecologist Award
- Horizontal gene transfer between sexually incompatible grass lineages
- Special issue of Folia Geobotanica on wetlands has been published
- Czech botanists contributed to the first ever Red list of all European habitats
- New classification system for European vegetation
- Jan Kolář was awarded the Dean’s Award
- Petr Pyšek was awarded the František Běhounek Award
- Three researchers from the Institute of Botany appear on a list of the most cited scientists worldwide
- Invitation to the exhibition How to preserve our landscape for future generations
- Ability to self-fertilize helps plants to spread around the world
- Open House at the Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno
- Nature highlights a recent paper by P. Szabó et al. of the LONGWOOD project
- Martin Kopecký from Institute of Botany was awarded the Award of the Czech Academy of Sciences for young researchers
- Forests and climate change – how to take responsibility?
- An interview with Péter Szabó from IB has been published in the EC magazine research*eu
- A new issue of Folia Geobotanica has been published – 1/2016
- Plant Biology Europe EPSO / FESPB Congress 2016 was held in June in Prague with a support of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
- Programme of the music festival A-fest in Park September 3
- Pavel Pipek from IB has been awarded The Best Student Poster Award at ECBB
- Second part of the Průhonice Park, so called “Obora”, is open again
- Two scientists from the IB among the ISI Highly Cited Researchers
- The Editor’s Award for 2015
- Popbio 2016 conference in Třeboň
- Category: Nezařazené
- Category: Vacancies
Seznam expertů
- Mgr. Radim Hédl, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Radim Hédl, Ph.D.
- prof. Ing. Blahoslav Maršálek, CSc.
- Mgr. Ondřej Vild, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Péter Szabó, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Kolář, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Petr Petřík, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Roleček, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Zuzana Kolaříková, Ph.D.
- Ing. Eva Baldassarre Švecová, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Martin Vohník, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martina Janoušková, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Miroslav Vosátka, CSc.
- Mgr. Kateřina Šumberová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Eva Jamrichová, Ph.D.
- prom.biol. RNDr. Helena Svitavská Svobodová, CSc.
- Mgr. Martina Janoušková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Přemysl Bobek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martin Adámek, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Jitka Klimešová, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Karel Prach, CSc.
- RNDr. Martin Vohník, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jana Navrátilová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Andrea Kučerová, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Lubomír Adamec, CSc.
- Mgr. Martin Kopecký, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. František Krahulec, CSc.
- Mgr. Jan Roleček, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Petr Petřík, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martin Kopecký, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Petr Petřík, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Jiří Sádlo, CSc.
- RNDr. Jiří Sádlo, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. Petr Pyšek, CSc.
- Ing. Jan Pergl, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jana Müllerová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Josef Juráň, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. František Krahulec, CSc.
- RNDr. Klára Řeháková, Ph.D.
- doc. Ing. Josef Elster, CSc.
- Mgr. Péter Szabó, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jana Müllerová, Ph.D.
- doc. RNDr. Miroslav Vosátka, CSc.
- Ing. Eva Baldassarre Švecová, Ph.D.
- Ing. RNDr. Libor Mrnka, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Jaromír Lukavský, CSc.
- prof. RNDr. František Krahulec, CSc.
- Mgr. Zuzana Kolaříková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Jan Roleček, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Martin Kopecký, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Zdeněk Kaplan, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Petra Hájková, Ph.D.
Oddělení a laboratoře
- Laboratory of Flow Cytometry
- Palaeoecological Laboratories
- Dendrochronological Laboratory
- Laboratory of GIS and Remote Sensing
- Experimental Garden and Gene Pool Collections Třeboň
- Department of Experimental Phycology and Ecotoxicology
- Department of Vegetation Ecology
- Department of Taxonomy
- Department of Population Ecology
- Department of Mycorrhizal Symbioses
- Department of Geoecology
- Department of Functional Ecology
- Department of Evolutionary Plant Biology
- Experimental Garden Průhonice
- Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Karyology
- Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
- Analytical Laboratory
- Department of Paleoecology
- Department of Experimental and Functional Morphology
- Department of Invasion Ecology
- Department of Phycology
- Optics Laboratory
Volná místa
Tiskové zprávy
- Plants can adapt to climate change without changing their DNA
- Researchers from the Institute of Botany discovered a new type of coexistence between algae and fungi
- Researchers created unique forest microclimate maps
- Hundred-year-old riddle in botany reveals key plant adaptation to dry land
- High plant diversity is often found in the smallest of areas
- Man has helped maintain the steppes of western Ukraine since prehistoric times
- Results of the first BioBlitz observation in the Czech Republic
- BioBlitz begins - a citizen science project to engage society in invasive species monitoring
- The main season in Průhonice Park begins
- Citizen science initiative "Looking for Cowslips" begins
- Plant species on edaphic islands are better equipped to survive and regenerate after disturbance
- Plants hide their most valuable parts belowground, reveals an exhibition of botanists at the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Number of Earth’s tree species estimated to be 14% higher than currently known, with some 9,200 species yet to be discovered
- Institute of Botany of the CAS celebrates its 60th anniversary
- The global loss of floristic uniqueness
- The Institute of Botany has received an international award in human resource management, the “HR Excellence in Research”
- African Savanna Seen by Camera Traps
- African tropical montane forests store more carbon than was thought
- Repeat proliferation and partial endoreplication jointly shape the patterns of genome size evolution in orchids
- Botanic Garden in Průhonice was accredited by Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Aquatic and wetland plants from around the world in Třeboň
- BUT drone helps to find invasive plants
- A Panicum-derived chromosomal segment captured by Hordeum a few million years ago preserves a set of stress-related genes
- Mapping past human land use using archaeological data
- Looking for Cowslips!
- Holocene plant diversity dynamics show a distinct biogeographical pattern in temperate Europe
- Large volcanic eruptions reduce the tropical cyclones activity
- Tree canopy accession strategy changes along the latitudinal gradient of temperate Northeast Asia
- The new atlas of Czech lichens can help to protect nature more effectively
- Czech peones from Institute of Botany conguer the world
- Scientists of the Department of Invasion Ecology of the IB are on the list of highly cited researchers in the world
- Application
- Arbuscular mycorrhiza, agroecosystems
- Bioactive substances in plants, soil phytoremediation, plantations of fast-growing woody plants
- Biodiversity
- Biodiversity of peat lands
- Biotechnology
- Carnivorous plants
- Coexistence of mushrooms and plants
- Czech flora, endangered plants, changes in the composition of flora
- Different levels of biodiversity: from genetic variability to communities
- Diversity
- Diversity of temperate forests
- Drought and water in the landscape
- Environmental history
- Ericoid mycorrhiza, endophytic fungi, aquatic environment
- Extreme environments
- Fire ecology
- Fish ponds
- Forests
- Fungal pathogens
- Gene pool collections
- Genetically modified organisms
- Hidden biodiversity, microbial diversity in soil
- Invasions
- Landscape
- Management and protection of biodiversity
- Meadows
- Microclimate
- Peatlands
- Plant biostimulants
- Pollens
- Remote sensing of vegetation and lands
- Restoration of disrupted vegetation
- Sea plants
- Society and the environment in prehistory
- Soil biology
- Steppes
- Traditional methods of forest management
- Underground world of plants
- Use of beneficial microorganisms in plant production
- Water pollution
- Wetland plants and communities