List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
GA206/09/0697 Taxonomie vybraných polymorfních vláknitých zelených řas z řádů Chaetophorales a Klebsormidiales pomocí polyfazického přístupu. 2009 - 2011
Spatial historical information as a backround for planning and development of natural forest in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland 2009 - 2011
GP206/09/P340 Norway spruce vs. blueberry: the role of symbiotic fungi in interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants 2009 - 2011
Is fitness of Pinus strobus, an invasive species in the Czech Republic, influenced by Ericaceae and their symbiotic fungi? A comparison with native Pinus sylvestris 2009 - 2010
Realisation of part of action plan for Gnetiana verna 2009 - 2010
03/CZ0072 Preparation of an action plan for Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica 2009 - 2010
Is fitness of Pinus strobus, an invasive species in the Czech Republic, influenced by Ericaceae and their symbiotic fungi? A comparison with native Pinus sylvestris 2009 - 2010
Management of Black Locust stands in the Czech Republic. 2009 - 2010
Eco-Physiological study of cyanoprocaryotes and algae from extreme habitats 2009 - 2009
- 2009 - 2009
Actual cyanobacterial problematic in modern lessons of Ecotoxicology 2009 - 2009
Actual cyanobacterial problematic in modern lessons of Ecotoxicology 2009 - 2009
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning of High-Arctic Biological Soil Crusts. Verleyen E. (UGent) and Elster J. (USB) 2008 - 2022
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning of High-Arctic Biological Soil Crusts. Verleyen E. (UGent) and Elster J. (USB) 2008 - 2022
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
GA206/08/0389 Past and present changes in Sudeten mountain bogs 2008 - 2012
IAA600050820 Upward migration of sub-nival plants in E Ladakh: the role of plant traits and interactions under climate warming 2008 - 2012
IAA600050812 Lowland woodland in the perspective of historical development 2008 - 2012
Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
IAA600050802 Migrace rostlin do subniválních poloh: úloha rostlinných vlastností a interakcí v oteplujícím se klimatu 2008 - 2012