Institute of Botany
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
the largest centre of botanical research in the Czech Republic
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List of projects
Identification Code |
Title ^ v |
Realization Period ^ v |
Comparative ecology of generative reproduction of alien plants |
2005 - 2007 |
European Pinus mugo complex - contribution of differentiation and hybridization to recent variation structure |
2005 - 2007 |
The genus Taraxacum: a monograph at the level of section |
2005 - 2007 |
The effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on the growth of clonal plants in nutritionally homogeneous and heterogeneous soil environment |
2005 - 2007 |
Genetic and ecological diversity of cyanobacteria of the James Ross Island, Weddel Sea, Antarctica |
2005 - 2007 |
Paleogene assemblages of diatoms, vascular plants, insects and fish faunas and their development in volcanic environment of the České Středohoří Mts. |
2005 - 2007 |
Paleogene assemblages of diatoms, vascular plants, insects and fish faunas and their development in volcanic environment of the České Středohoří Mts. |
2005 - 2007 |
COST E38.003 - Woody root processes |
2005 - 2007 |
Paleogene assemblages of diatoms, vascular plants, insects and fish faunas and their development in volcanic environment of the České Středohoří Mts. |
2005 - 2007 |
Genotypová a ekologické diverzita cyanobakterií ostrova James Ross, Weddelovo moře, Antarktida. |
2005 - 2007 |
KJB600050503 |
2005 - 2007 |
Mechanisms underlying the PAH induced tumor promotion effects (effects on Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication) |
2005 - 2006 |
2005 - 2006 |
Diverzita vegetace podél gradientu kontinentality na jižní Sibiři: klíč k pochopení raně postglaciální historie střední Evropy |
2005 - 2006 |
Hieracium in the Czech Republic and Slovenia |
2005 - 2006 |
Evoluční vztahy a diferenciace cytotypů u ohroženého zvonku Campanula gentilis |
2005 - 2006 |
Okruh Pimpinella saxifraga jako modelová skupina pro studium populační struktury a cytotypové diferenciace u víceploidních druhů |
2005 - 2006 |
Vliv arbuskulárních mykorhizních hub na primární sukcesi rostlin v narušeném ekosystému |
2005 - 2006 |
The role of hybridization and polyploidization in Chenopodium album agg. |
2005 - 2006 |
The role of hybridization and polyploidization in Chenopodium album agg. |
2005 - 2006 |