List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
QJ1320234 From waste to commodities 2013 - 2016
TA03011184 Improvement of phytoremediation capacity and production potential of energy crops grown in contaminated and poor soils by means of endophytic and mycorrhizal symbionts 2013 - 2016
14-21715S Mechanisms of invasive alien plants’ impact on bird communities: lessons from selected tree species introduced into the 2013 - 2016
QJ1320234 From waste to commodities 2013 - 2016
GA13-17118S Od vlastností druhů k jejich chování v přírodě: odpovědi jedinců a populací 2013 - 2016
TA03011027 (Microalgae as perspective source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and their incorporation into food chain of men 2013 - 2016
TA0311027 Microalgae as perspective source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and their incorporation into food chain of men 2013 - 2016
GA13-17118S Od vlastností druhů k jejich chování v přírodě: odpovědi jedinců a populací 2013 - 2016
GA13-04454S Foreign genetic material in Elymus repens and other Triticeae grasses: its nature, origin, and evolutionary implications. 2013 - 2016
GA13-04454S Foreign genetic material in Elymus repens and other Triticeae grasses: its nature, origin, and evolutionary implications. 2013 - 2016
GA13-04454S Foreign genetic material in Elymus repens and other Triticeae grasses: its nature, origin, and evolutionary implications. 2013 - 2016
GA13-17118S Od vlastností druhů k jejich chování v přírodě: odpovědi jedinců a populací 2013 - 2016
TA03011184 Improvement of phytoremediation capacity and production potential of energy crops grown in contaminated and poor soils by means of endophytic and mycorrhizal symbionts 2013 - 2016
TA03011184 Improvement of phytoremediation capacity and production potential of energy crops grown in contaminated and poor soils by means of endophytic and mycorrhizal symbionts 2013 - 2016
GA13-17118S From species traits to whole plant performance in the field: individual and population responses 2013 - 2016
CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0305 Postdocs = interdisciplinary problematic 2013 - 2015
Plant Fellows - Liancourt Plant Fellows 2013 - 2015
Plant Fellows - Gotzenberger Plant Fellows 2013 - 2015
GP13-10850P Effect of climate change on plant-herbivivore interactions along and elevational gradient in the Himalayan region 2013 - 2015
GP13-10850P Effect of climate change on plant-herbivivore interactions along and elevational gradient in the Himalayan region 2013 - 2015