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Krejčíková J., Sudová R., Oberlander K., Dreyer L.L. & Suda J. 2013: The spatio-ecological segregation of different cytotypes of Oxalis obtusa (Oxalidaceae) in contact zones. South African Journal of Botany 88, 62 - 68. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.05.005
Sonnleitner M., Weis B., Flatscher R., Escobar García P., Suda J., Krejčíková J., Schneeweiss G. M., Winkler M., Schönswetter P. & Hülber K. 2013: Parental ploidy strongly affects offspring fitness in heteroploid crosses among three cytotypes of autopolyploid Jacobaea carniolica (Asteraceae). PLoS One 8, 1 - 11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078959
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Suda J., Krejčíková J., Sudová R., Oberlander K. C. & Dreyer L. L. 2013: Two new species of Oxalis (Oxalidaceae) from the Greater Cape Floristic Region. Phytotaxa 124, 13 - 24. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.124.1.2
Těšitelová T., Jersáková J., Roy M., Kubátová B., Těšitel J., Urfus T., Trávníček P. & Suda J. 2013: Ploidy-specific symbiotic interactions: divergence of mycorrhizal fungi between cytotypes of the Gymnadenia conopsea group (Orchidaceae). New Phytologist 199, 1022 - 1033. doi:10.1111/nph.12348
Trávníček P., Kirschner J., Chudáčková H., Rooks F. & Štěpánek J. 2013: Substantial Genome Size Variation in Taraxacum stenocephalum (Asteraceae, Lactuceae). Folia Geobotanica 48, 271 - 284. doi:10.1007/s12224-013-9151-7
García P. E., Winkler M., Flatscher R., Sonnleitner M., Krejčíková J., Suda J., Hülber K., Schneeweiss G. M. & Schönswetter P. 2012: Extensive range persistence in peripheral and interior refugia characterizes Pleistocene range dynamics in a widespread Alpine plant species (Senecio carniolicus, Asteraceae). Molecular Ecology 21, 1255 - 1270. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05456.x
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Kolář F., Fér T., Štech M., Trávníček P., Dušková E., Schönswetter P. & Suda J. 2012: Bringing Together Evolution on Serpentine and Polyploidy: Spatiotemporal History of the Diploid-Tetraploid Complex of Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae). PLoS One 7, 1 - 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039988
Kolář F., Lučanová M., Těšitel J., Loureiro J. & Suda J. 2012: Glycerol-treated nuclear suspensions - an efficient preservation method for flow cytometric analysis of plant samples. Chromosome Research 20, 303 - 315. doi:10.1007/s10577-012-9277-0
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Trávníček P., Jersáková J., Kubátová B., Krejčíková J., Bateman R. M., Lučanová M., Krajníková E., Těšitelová T., Štípková Z., Amardeilh J.-P., Brzosko E., Jermakowicz E., Cabanne O., Durka W., Efimov P., Hedrén M., Hermosilla C. E., Kreutz K., Kull T., Marchand O., Rey M., Schiestl F. P., Čurn V. & Suda J. 2012: Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity. Annals of Botany 110, 977 - 986. doi:10.1093/aob/mcs171
Viehmannová I., Trávníčková M., Špatenková E., Černá M. & Trávníček P. 2012: Induced polyploidization and its influence on yield, morphological, and qualitative characteristics of microtubers in Ullucus tuberosus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 109, 83 - 90. doi:10.1007/s11240-011-0076-7
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Bendiksby M., Tribsch A., Borgen L., Trávníček P. & Brysting A. K. 2011: Allopolyploid origins of the Galeopsis tetraploids - revisiting Müntzing’s classical textbook example using molecular tools. New Phytologist 191, 1150 - 1167. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03753.x