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2003: Adamec, L. Ecophysiological comparison of green Polish and red Australian plants of Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Carniflora Australis, 1, [-] 4-17 (2003)..
2003: Adamec, L. Ecophysiological characterization of dormancy states in turions of the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa. Biologia Plantarum, 47 [3] 395-402 (2003)..
2003: Adamec, L. Zero water flow in the carnivorous genus Genlisea. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 32, [-] 46-48 (2003)..
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2002: Adamec, L. - Husák, Š. Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in NNR Břehyňský Fishpond near Doksy, Czech Republic. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 40, 45-46 (2002)..
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2002: Adamec, L. - Kondo, K. Optimization of medium for growing the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in vitro. In: Proceedings The International Carnivorous Plant Conference /4/. - (Ed. Kondo, K.). - Tokyo, Hiroshima University 2002. - S. 147-151..
2002: Adamec, L. - Kondo, K. Optimization of medium for growing the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in vitro. Plant Biotechnology, 19 [4] 283-286 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. Leaf absorption of mineral nutrients in carnivorous plants stimulates root nutrient uptake. New Phytologist, 155, 89-100 (2002)..
2002: Adamec, L. - Lev, J. Ecological differences between Utricularia ochroleuca and U. intermedia habitats. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, 31, 14-18 (2002)..
2002: Raspopov, M. - Adamec, L. - Husák, Š. Influence of aquatic macrophytes on the littoral zone habitats of the Lake Ladoga, NW Russia. Preslia, 74 [4] 315-321 (2002)..