


Komárek J. & Hauer T. 2004-2010: - On-line database of cyanobacterial genera.
Branco L.H.Z., Komárek J., Azevedo M.T.P., Sant-Anna C.L. & Watanabe M. 2004: A review of the genus Cyanoarbor (Entophysalidaceae, Chroococcales). In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 82 - 82.
Callagham T.V., Björn L.O., Chernov Y., Chapin T., Christensen T.R., Huntley B., Ims R.A., Johansson M., Jolly D., Jonasson S., Matveyeva N., Panikov N., Oechel W., Shaver G., Elster J., Hentonnen H., Laine K., Taulavuori K., Taulavuori E. & Zöckler C. 2004: Biodiversity, distributions and adaptations of Arctic species in the context of environmental change. 33(7), 404 - 417.
Callagham T.V., Björn L.O., Chernov Y., Chapin T., Christensen T.R., Huntley B., Ims R.A., Johansson M., Jolly D., Jonasson S., Matveyeva N., Panikov N., Oechel W., Shaver G., Elster J., Jónsdóttir I.S., Laine K., Taulavuori K., Taulavuori E. & Zöckler C. 2004: Responses to projected changes in climate and UV-B at the species level. 33(7), 418 - 435.
Cronberg G. & Komárek J. (2004): 2004: Some nostocalean cyanoprokaryotes from lentic habitats of Eastern and Southern Africa. Nova Hedwigia 78(1-2), 71 - 106.
Čtvrtlíková M. 2004: Soudobý výzkum šídlatek Isoëtes na Šumavě. NP Šumava, Aktuality šum. výzkumu II., 124 - 128.
Day J.G., Lukavský J., Lorenz, M. Friedl T., Elster J., Campbell, C.N. & Brand J.J. 2004: Pringsheim´s living legacy: CAUP, CCALA, CCAP, SAG and UTEX culture collections of algae. Nova Hedwigia 79, 27 - 37.
Elster J. & Benson E.E. 2004: Life in the polar terrestrial environment: a focus on algae. In : EE Benson, B Fuller and N Lane (editors) Life In The Frozen State. Taylor and Francis, London., 111 - 150.
Hoffmann L., Komárek J. & Kaštovský J. 2004: System of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacteria) - state in 2004. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 42 - 42.
Houk V. & Klee R. 2004: The stelligeroid taxa of the genus Cyclotella (Kutzing) Brebisson (Bacillariophyceae) and their transfer into the new genus Discostella gen. nov. Diatom Research 19, 203 - 228.
Komárek J. & Golubic S. 2004: Proposal for a unified nomenclatoric rules for cyanobacteria vs. cyanophytes. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 47 - 47.
Komárek J. & Hauer T. 2004: The on-line database of cyanobacterial genera. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 90 - 90.
Komárek J., Ventura S., Turicchia S., Komárková J., Mascalchi C., Soldati E. & Rejmánková E. 2004: Cyanobacterial diversity in alkaline marshes of Northern Belize (Central America). In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 46 - 46.
Kvíderová J. 2004: The ecological characteristics of Stichococcus (Chlorophyta) strains isolated from polar and temperate regions. COBRA Partner review meeting.
Lukavský, J. 2004: Řasy Černého jezera na Šumavě. Mánek, J. ed. Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II., 116 - 120.
Lukavský J., Bauer J., Kaštovská K., Lederer F. & Šmilauer P. 2004: Phytobentos of streams in the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest underdifferent human impacts. Silva Gabreta 10, 45 - 78.
Lukavský J., Furnadjieva S. & Ditrtt F. 2004: Toxicita potenciálních polutantů (TCE, Hg) v povodí D. Orlice. - Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, p.79-84, Jablonné n.N. Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, p.79-84, Jablonné n.N., 79 - 84.
Lukavský, J., Furnadjieva, S. et Dittrt, F. 2004: Toxicita potenciálních polutantů (TCE, Hg) v povodí D.Orlice. Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, 79 - 84.
Mataloni G. & Komárek J. 2004: Gloeocapsopsis aurea, a new subaerophytic cyanobacterium from maritime Antarctica. Polar Biology 27(10), 623 - 628.
Rajaniemi P., Hoffmann L., Willame R., Komárek J., Hrouzek P., Kaštovská K. & Sivonen K. 2004: Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of selected planctic nostocalean cyanobacteria: taxonomic consequences. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 60 - 60.