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Kuťáková E., Cesarz S., Münzbergová Z. & Eisenhauer N. 2018: Soil microarthropods alter the outcome of plant-soil feedback experiments. Scientific Reports 8, 1 - 11. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-30340-w |
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Mairal M., Šurinová M., Castro S. & Münzbergová Z. 2018: Unmasking cryptic biodiversity in polyploids: origin and diversification of Aster amellus aggregate. Annals of Botany 122, 1047 - 1059. |
Münzbergová Z., Šurinová M., Husáková I. & Brabec J. 2018: Strong fluctuations in aboveground population size do not limit genetic diversity in populations of an endangered biennial species. Oecologia 187, 863 - 872. |
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Stojanova B., Šurinová M., Klápště J., Kolaříková V., Hadincová V. & Münzbergová Z. 2018: Adaptive differentiation of Festuca rubra along a climate gradient revealed by molecular markers and quantitative traits. PLoS One 13, 1 - 20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0194670 |
Šurinová M., Jarošová A. & Münzbergová Z. 2018: Microsatellite markers for study of the invasive species Rumex alpinus (Polygonaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 6, 1 - 4. doi:doi: 10.1002/aps3.1017 |
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