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Kuťáková E., Mészárošová L., Baldrian P. & Münzbergová Z. 2020: Evaluating the role of biotic and chemical components of plant-soil feedback of primary successional plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 345 - 358. doi:10.1007/s00374-019-01425-z
Latzel V., Münzbergová Z., Skuhrovec J., Novák O. & Strnad M. 2020: Effect of experimental DNA demethylation on phytohormones production and palatability of a clonal plant after induction via jasmonic acid. Oikos 129, 1867 - 1876. doi:10.1111/oik.07302
Lozada-Gobilard S., Pánková H., Zhu J., Stojanova B. & Münzbergová Z. 2020: Potential risk of interspecific hybridization in ex situ collections. Journal for Nature Conservation 58, 1 - 9. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125912
Münzbergová Z., Kosová V., Schnáblová S., Rokaya M., Synková H., Haisel D., Wilhelmová N. & Dostálek T. 2020: Plant Origin, but Not Phylogeny, Drive Species Ecophysiological Response to Projected Climate. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1 - 18. doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.00400
Münzbergová Z. & Skuhrovec J. 2020: Data on Herbivore Performance and Plant Herbivore Damage Identify the Same Plant Traits as the Key Drivers of Plant-Herbivore Interaction. Insects 11, 1 - 18.
Rokaya M. B., Kasaju S. K. & Khadka B. 2020: Hoya polyneura (Apocynaceae) - An Addition to the Flora of Nepal. The Journal of Japanese Botany 95, 954 - 957. doi:-
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Rokaya M. B., Parajulic B., Bhatta K. P. & Timsina B. 2020: Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora (Pennell) Hong: A comprehensive review of its traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and safety. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 247, 1 - 16. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2019.112250
Shrestha B. R., Timsina B., Münzbergová Z., Dostálek T., Gaudel P., Basnet T. B. & Rokaya M. B. 2020: Butterfly-plant interactions and body size patterns along an elevational gradient in the Manang region of central Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science 17, 1115 - 1127. doi:10.1007/s11629-019-5381-3
Schnablová R., Neustupa J., Woodard K., Klimešová J. & Herben T. 2020: Disentangling phylogenetic and functional components of shape variation among shoot apical meristems of a wide range of herbaceous angiosperms. American Journal of Botany 107, 20 - 30. doi:10.1002/ajb2.1407
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Subedi Ch. K., Rokaya M. B., Münzbergová Z., Timsina B., Gurung J., Chettri N., Baniya Ch. B., Ghimire S. K. & Chaudhary R. P. 2020: Vascular plant diversity along an elevational gradient in the Central Himalayas, western Nepal. Folia Geobotanica 55, 127 - 140. doi:10.1007/s12224-020-09370-8
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Vlasta T., Jarošová J., Šurinová M. & Münzbergová Z. 2020: Development of microsatellite markers for the perennial plant Tofieldia calyculata. Applications in Plant Sciences 8, 1 - 5. doi:10.1002/aps3.11327
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Belinchón R., Hemrová L. & Münzbergová Z. 2019: Abiotic, present-day and historical effects on species, functional and phylogenetic diversity in dry grasslands of different age. PLoS One 14, 1 - 21. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223826
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