


Gizaw A., Gorospe J. M., Kandziora M., Chala D., Gustafsson L., Zinaw A., Salomón L., Eilu G., Brochmann C., Kolář F. & Schmickl R. 2022: Afro-alpine flagships revisited II: elucidating the evolutionary relationships and species boundaries in the giant senecios (Dendrosenecio, Asteraceae). Alpine Botany 132, 89 - 105. doi:10.1007/s00035-021-00268-5
Ufimov R., Gorospe J. M., Fér T., Kandziora M., Salomon L., van Loo M., & Schmickl R. 2022: Utilizing paralogues for phylogenetic reconstruction has the potential to increase species tree support and reduce gene tree discordance in target enrichment data. Molecular Ecology Resources 22, 3018 - 3034. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13684