Čertner M., Kolář F., Schönswetter P. & Frajman B. 2015: Does hybridization with a widespread congener threaten the long-term persistence of the Eastern Alpine rare local endemic Knautia carinthiaca? Ecology and Evolution 5, 4263 - 4276. doi:10.1002/ece3.1686 |
Kolář F., Kaplan Z., Suda J. & Štech M. 2015: Populations of Knautia in ecologically distinct refugia on the Hercynian massif belong to two endemic species. Preslia 87, 363 - 386. |
Kolář F., Píšová S., Záveská E., Fér T., Weiser M., Ehrendorfer F. & Suda J. 2015: The origin of unique diversity in deglaciated areas: traces of Pleistocene processes in north-European endemics from the Galium pusillum polyploid complex (Rubiaceae). Molecular Ecology 24, 1311 - 1334. doi:10.1111/mec.13110 |
Martínková J., Klimešová J., Doležal J, & Kolář F. 2015: Root sprouting in Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae): effects of polyploidy, soil origin and nutrient availability. Plant Ecology 216, 901 - 911. doi:10.1007/s11258-015-0477-5 |
Paule J., Kolář F. & Dobeš C. 2015: Arctic-alpine and serpentine differentiation in polyploid Potentilla crantzii. Preslia 87, 195 - 215. |
Hanušová K., Ekrt L., Vít P., Kolář F. & Urfus T. 2014: Continuous Morphological Variation Correlated with Genome Size Indicates Frequent Introgressive Hybridization among Diphasiastrum Species (Lycopodiaceae) in Central Europe. PLoS One 9, 1 - 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099552 |
Hanzl M., Kolář F., Nováková D. & Suda J. 2014: Nonadaptive processes governing early stages of polyploid evolution: Insights from a primary contact zone of a relict serpentine Knautia arvensis (Dipsacacee). American Journal of Botany 111, 935 - 945. doi:10.3732/ajb.1400005 |
Hohmann N., Schmickl R., Chiang T.-Y., Lučanová M., Kolář F., Marhold K. & Koch M. A. 2014: Taming the wild: resolving the gene pools of non-model Arabidopsis lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 1 - 21. doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0224-x |
Kolář F., Dortová M., Lepš J., Pouzar M., Krejčová A. & Štech M. 2014: Serpentine ecotypic differentiation in a polyploid plant complex: shared tolerance to Mg and Ni stress among di- and tetraploid serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae). Plant and Soil 374, 435 - 447. doi:10.1007/s11104-013-1813-y |
Kolář F., Lučanová M., Koutecký P., Dortová M., Knotek A. & Suda J. 2014: Spatio-ecological segregation of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Galium valdepilosum (Rubiaceae) in Central Europe. Preslia 86, 155 - 178. |
Otisková V., Koutecký T., Kolář F. & Koutecký P. 2014: Occurrence and habitat preferences of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe in the Czech Republic. Preslia 86, 67 - 80. |
Kolář F., Lučanová M., Vít P., Urfus T., Chrtek J., Fér T., Ehrendorfer F. & Suda J. 2013: Diversity and endemism in deglaciated areas: ploidy, relative genome size and niche differentiation in the Galium pusillum complex (Rubiaceae) in Northern and Central Europe. Annals of Botany 111, 1095 - 1108. doi:10.1093/aob/mct074 |
Kolář F., Fér T., Štech M., Trávníček P., Dušková E., Schönswetter P. & Suda J. 2012: Bringing Together Evolution on Serpentine and Polyploidy: Spatiotemporal History of the Diploid-Tetraploid Complex of Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae). PLoS One 7, 1 - 13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039988 |
Kolář F., Lučanová M., Těšitel J., Loureiro J. & Suda J. 2012: Glycerol-treated nuclear suspensions - an efficient preservation method for flow cytometric analysis of plant samples. Chromosome Research 20, 303 - 315. doi:10.1007/s10577-012-9277-0 |
Kolář F., Matějů J., Lučanová M., Chlumská Z., Černá K., Prach J., Baláž V. & Falteisek L. 2012: Ochrana přírody z pohledu biologa. Dokořán, Praha, 1 - 216. |
Košnar J., Herbstová M., Kolář F., Koutecký P. & Kučera J. 2012: A case study of intragenomic ITS variation in bryophytes: assessment of gene flow and role of polyploidy in the origin of European taxa of the Tortula muralis (Musci: Pottiaceae) complex. Taxon 61, 709 - 720. |
Dušková E., Kolář F., Sklenář P., Kubešová M., Rauchová J., Fér T., Suda J. & Marhold K. 2010: Genome size correlates with growth form, habitat and phylogeny in the Andean genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae). Preslia 82, 127 - 148. |