Functional diversity of belowground plant strategies in a rapidly changing world (sUnderfoot)

Název: Functional diversity of belowground plant strategies in a rapidly changing world (sUnderfoot)
Řešitelé: Klimešová Jitka (člen výzkumné skupiny)
Poskytovatel: Synthesis centre IDiv, Germany
Řešeno od: 2022
Řešeno do: 2024
Cíle: Plant roots have long fascinated humanity since Antiquity, yet our understanding of aboveground plant parts far surpasses our understanding of belowground traits. Lack of crossdisciplinary synthesis among the major components of belowground organs and the lack of collaboration among the Global North and South are partly to blame. To solve this problem, the sUnderfoot working group will synthesize our understanding of three areas of belowground plant trait ecology: clonal organs and bud banks, rooting depth, and the root economics space.

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