Agrolesnictví - šance pro regionální rozvoj a udržitelnost venkovské krajiny

Název: Agrolesnictví - šance pro regionální rozvoj a udržitelnost venkovské krajiny
Řešitelé: Kala Lukáš (řešitel)
Šipoš Jan (řešitel)
Szabó Péter (řešitel)
Hédl Radim (řešitel)
Poskytovatel: Technologická agentura České republiky
Číslo: TAČR TL0100298
Řešeno od: 2018
Řešeno do: 2020
Shrnutí: The project aims to evaluate the benefits and constraints of using agroforestry systems (AFS) in the Czech Republic with a focus on the socio-economic, legal and environmental context. We will evaluate planting of trees on arable land in areas affected by soil erosion and drought, and animal husbandry combined with tree components. Based on detailed literary review, socio-ethnological surveys, production and economic data gathered from farmers, the benefits of AFS on agricultural land will be fully evaluated. Furthermore, legislative constrainst and opportunities for tree growing on agricultural land will be analyzed. The final outputs will be scientific publications and, in particular, documents (methodologies) for the application and implementation of the agroforestry system in Czechia.

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