List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Diverzita evropské flóry v českých a moravských herbářových sbírkách z přelomu 18. a 19. století – národní dědictví světového významu (II) 2004 - 2006
ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods 2004 - 2009
ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods 2004 - 2009
Stanovení přechodových koeficientů POPs mezi půdou a rostlinami 2004 - 2005
ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods 2004 - 2009
Evolutionarily conservative and non-conservative elements of plant life history 2004 - 2006
MYCOTAGRIF - Mycorrhizal Technology For The Sustainable Agricultural Practice Of Fruit Production 2004 - 2007
ALARM: Assessing LArge-scale environmental Risks with tested Methods 2004 - 2009
Reproduction biology and autecology of quillworts Isoetes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
Reproduction biology and autecology of quillworts Isoetes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
Evolutionarily conservative and non-conservative elements of plant life history 2004 - 2006
MYCOTAGRIF - Mycorrhizal Technology For The Sustainable Agricultural Practice Of Fruit Production 2004 - 2008
Asssessing large-scale environmental risks with tested mothods 2004 - 2008
Nepůvodní druhy ve fauně a flóře ČR
Water blooms and cyanotoxins in the Czech Republic - trends and neš toxicity mechanisms 2004 - 2006
Kontakt - CNR Firenze, Itálie 2004 - 2006
Vliv rekreační aktivity na fytobentos a chemické poměry toků Krkonoš a Šumavy 2004 - 2007
Ecology of expanding weeds Bolboschoenus planiculmis and B. laticarpus related to weed control in different agriculture systems 2004 - 2006
Ecology of expanding weeds Bolboschoenus planiculmis and B. laticarpus related to weed control in different agriculture systems 2004 - 2006
Ecology of expanding weeds Bolboschoenus planiculmis and B. laticarpus related to weed control in different agriculture systems 2004 - 2006