List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Lichen species and subspecies described from the territory of the Czech Republic – their importance in lichen taxonomy and biodiversity 2007 - 2009
206/07/1200 Constrains and limits of biological recovery from acid stress: what is the future of headwater ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest? 2007 - 2011
Setting targets for management of wet meadows in the landscape framework 2007 - 2011
Introgresivní hybridizace u rožce kuřičkolistého (Cerastium alsinifolium Tausch): hrozí eroze genofondu význačného hadcového endemita? 2007 - 2009
206/07/1200 Constrains and limits of biological recovery from acid stress: what is the future of headwater ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest? 2007 - 2011
Priorities of conservation of vascular plants 2007 - 2011
Monograph of European heterocytous cyanobacteria. 2007 - 2009
Local adaptations in plant populations: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis 2007 - 2010
KJB600050706 Cadmium immobilisation in soil by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: the role of fungal extraradical mycelium and of plant-mediated effects 2007 - 2009
Výzkumný projekt AVČR Orlicko - Ochrana přírody jako limitující faktor ekonomického rozvoje
206/07/1200 Constrains and limits of biological recovery from acid stress: what is the future of headwater ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest? 2007 - 2011
Multidisciplinary study of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation within the IPY framework 2007 - 2009
Minimalizace rizik výskytu metabolitů sinic v technologických procesech rybářského sektoru 2007 - 2011
206/07/1200 Constrains and limits of biological recovery from acid stress: what is the future of headwater ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest? 2007 - 2011
Morfologická a ekologická studie okruhu Glyceria fluitans 2007 - 2009
Flora of the Czech Republic - completion 2007 - 2009
Effect of controlled management on restoration of littoral vegetation in the Velký Tisý fishpond (National Protected Area V. a M. Tisý) 2007 - 2007
IAA600050712 Lichen species and subspecies described from the territory of the Czech Republic – their importance in lichen taxonomy and biodiversity 2007 - 2009
Interakce mezi ploidními úrovněmi v sympatrických populacích Hieracium echioides 2007 - 2009
LA 341 Biological and climate diversity of the central part of the Svalbard Arctic archipelago 2007 - 2010