List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
VaV/620/15/03, podprogramu č.6 - Chemické a hydrobiologické ukazatele povrchových vod
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/35.0002 VĚDRO Science for public / path to sustainable development 2012 - 2014
Vegetace České republiky: Formalizovaná typizace atd.....
Vegetace České republiky: formalizovaná typizace, monografie a expertní systém 2005 - 2007
Vegetace České republiky: formalizovaná typizace, monografie a expertní systém 2005 - 2007
Vegetace ČR
Vegetation and landscape reconstruction for the Last Glacial period in the Czech and Slovak Republic (environment of human populations and fauna) 2003 - 2005
Vegetation and landscape reconstruction for the Last Glacial period in the Czech and Slovak Republic (environment of human populations and fauna) 2003 - 2005
Vegetation and landscape reconstruction for the Last Glacial period in the Czech and Slovak Republic (environment of human populations and fauna) 2003 - 2005
IAAX00050801 Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
IAAX00050801 Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
IAAX00050801 Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
IAAX00050801 Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
IAAX00050801 Vegetation continuity and landscape dynamics. Present state and historical causes of diversity hotspot in a region with vacillating colonisation 2008 - 2012
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0329 Vegetation of the Czech Republic: completion of the national survey of plant communities 2009 - 2011