List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Lokální adaptace v rostlinných populacích: určující mechanismy a význam v dynamicky měnící se krajině 2003 - 2006
Lokální adaptace v rostlinných populacích: určující mechanismy a význam v dynamicky měnící se krajině 2003 - 2006
Lokální adaptace v rostlinných populacích: určující mechanismy a význam v dynamicky měnící se krajině 2003 - 2006
Lokální adaptace v rostlinných populacích:úloha mykorhizní symbiózy 2007 - 2010
Local adaptations in plant populations: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis 2007 - 2010
Local adaptations in plant populations: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis 2007 - 2010
Local adaptations in plant populations: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis 2007 - 2010
Local adaptations in plant populations: the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis 2007 - 2010
Local adaptations in plant populations: its mechanisms and importance in dynamically changing landscape 2003 - 2007
Local adaptations in plant populations: its mechanisms and importance in dynamically changing landscape 2003 - 2007
Local adaptations in plant populations: its mechanisms and importance in dynamically changing landscape 2003 - 2007
Local adaptations in plant populations: its mechanisms and importance in dynamically changing landscape 2003 - 2007
Local adaptations in plant populations: its mechanisms and importance in dynamically changing landscape 2003 - 2007
Local adaptations in plant populations: does mycorrhizal symbiosis matter? 2007 - 2010
204405S Live long, spread fast: the role of seed persistence in plant invasions 2019 - 2021
GA19-20405S Live long, spread fast: the role of seed persistence in plant invasions 2019 - 2022
204405S Live long, spread fast: the role of seed persistence in plant invasions 2019 - 2021
PPK-270a/32/11 Littoral vegetation dynamics in the Lůsy penninsula (National Nature Reserve Velký a Malý Tisý) related to fishpond management 2011 - 2011
23-06614S Linking microclimate and forest dynamics: from plant growth responses to long-term vegetation change 2023 - 2025
23-06614S Linking microclimate and forest dynamics: from plant growth responses to long-term vegetation change 2023 - 2025