List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
20-13637S Diversification across scales: exploring the role of plant inter- and intra-specific differentiation for coexistence and ecosystem functioning 2020 - 2022
20-13637S Diversification across scales: exploring the role of plant inter- and intra-specific differentiation for coexistence and ecosystem functioning 2020 - 2022
20-13637S Diversification across scales: exploring the role of plant inter- and intra-specific differentiation for coexistence and ecosystem functioning 2020 - 2022
GA206/03/1219 Diversity of vascular plants along the altitudinal gradient: new approaches to an old problem;a case study in the Western Himalayas 2003 - 2005
Diversity of vascular plants along the altitudinal gradient: new approaches to an old problem;a case study in the Western Himalayas 2003 - 2005
Diversity of vascular plants along the altitudinal gradient: new approaches to an old problem;a case study in the Western Himalayas 2003 - 2005
P504/12/P540 Do arable weeds evolve in response to crop cultivation? 2012 - 2014
P504/12/P540 Do arable weeds evolve in response to crop cultivation? 2012 - 2014
51100899 „Does adventious resprouting\" - mainly neglected trait, play a role in a fast spread of woody plants? 2011, 2012 - 2012, 2013
LTAUSA18007 Dopady klimatických změn a eutrofizace krajiny na rostliny a jejich mikrobiální kořenová společenstva v aridních a semiaridních ekosystémech Spojených států 2019 - 2022
GA16-15012S Drivers of communities\\\' temporal stability: the role of functional differences between and within species 2016 - 2018
GA16-15012S Drivers of communities\\\\\\\' temporal stability: the role of functional differences between and within species 2016 - 2018
GA16-15012S Drivers of communities\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' temporal stability: the role of functional differences between and within species 2016 - 2018
GA17-19376S Ecological and Evolutionary Responses of Plants to Climate Change: Growth Analysis across Ecosystems and Evolutionary Linkages 2017 - 2019
GA17-19376S Ecological and Evolutionary Responses of Plants to Climate Change: Growth Analysis across Ecosystems and Evolutionary Linkages 2017 - 2019
Ecological significance of changes in concentration of nonstructural carbohydrates and nutrients in tissues of high-altitude plants 2013 - 2013
14-12262S Effects of changing growth conditions on tree increment, stand production and vitality – danger or opportunity for the Central- European forestry? 2014 - 2016
GA17-19376S Ekologické a evoluční odpovědi rostlin na klimatické změny: analýza růstových změn napříč ekosystémy a evolučními liniemi 2017 - 2019
č.sml. 03201032 Enlargement and reorganisation of the Collection of aquatic and wetland plants 2011 - 2012
PPK-469a/31/17 Extinct and endangered plant species from the Třeboň basin 2017 - 2017