List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
IAA600050616 Interaction of fern vegetation and soil on deforested areas affected by acid deposition 2006 - 2010
Interaction of fern vegetation and soil on deforested areas affected by acid deposition 2006 - 2010
Interaction of fern vegetation and soil on deforested areas affected by acid deposition 2006 - 2010
Interaction of fern vegetation and soil on deforested areas affected by acid deposition 2006 - 2010
Interaction of fern vegetation and soil on deforested areas affected by acid deposition 2006 - 2010
INTERACT - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic 2016 - 2019
INTERACT - International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic 2016 - 2019
Integrovaný výzkum biodiverzity a taxonomie aerofytických zelených řas v ekosystému tropického deštného lesa 2006 - 2008
Integrovaný výzkum biodiverzity a taxonomie aerofytických zelených řas v ekosystému tropického deštného lesa 2006 - 2008
Integration of vegetation and soil historical records 2019 - 2020
GD206/08/H049 Integration of methodological approaches in current landscape 2008 - 2011
Integration of environmental, biological and management-related monitoring of fishponds: case study based on use of stable sensor system 2014 - 2016
Integration of environmental, biological and management-related monitoring of fishponds: case study based on use of stable sensor system 2014 - 2016
Integration of environmental, biological and management-related monitoring of fishponds: case study based on use of stable sensor system 2014 - 2016
GAP506/11/0774 Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins 2011 - 2014
GAP506/11/0774 Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins 2011 - 2014
GAP506/11/0774 Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins 2011 - 2014
GAP506/11/0774 Integrating proteomic and genomic tools to contribute evolutionary processes across the plant kingdom with emphasis to the family of cytokinins 2011 - 2014
L200052202 Inovative Approaches to Bioindication 2022 - 2023
Inovace výuky na přírodovědeckých fakultách českých vysokých škol - přednáškový cyklus prof. B.C. Husbanda (University of Guelph, Ontario): Evoluční ekologie a populační genetika rostlin 2007 - 2007