Project Detail

Multidisciplinary study of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation within the IPY framework

Name: Multidisciplinary study of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation within the IPY framework
Researchers: Elster Josef (member of research team)
Provider: MŠMT Kontakt
Realization from: 2007
Realization to: 2009
Summary: The project is focused on Antarctic vegetation oases on the James Ross Island within the IPY 2007/08. Field research will be carried out on deglaciated northern part with the following aims: Monitoring and analyses of microclimatic processes in relation to morphology of degalciated area, distance from glacial forefield, and manipulated environment. Quantification of pedo- and geochemical processes, their seasonal and long-term dynamics. Biological colonization at deglaciated areas, biodiversity, community structure in experimental plots. Measurements of physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration) related to N, C fixation and transformation in vegetation as affected by environmental conditions. Study of stress processes in vegetation components and mechanisms of long-term adaptation of autotrophic organisms. Long-term manipulation of environmental factors (temperature, light) in order to predict the likely changes in structure and function of vegetation cover under ongoing global change.

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