Project Detail

Diversity of Balkanian and East Mediterranean Flora in Czech Herbarium Collections - National Heritage of World Importance (III)

Name: Diversity of Balkanian and East Mediterranean Flora in Czech Herbarium Collections - National Heritage of World Importance (III)
Researchers: Štěpánek Jan (researcher)
Provider: GA ČR
Realization from: 2007
Realization to: 2010
Summary: In the Czech and Moravian herbarium collections (BRNM, PR, PRC), important voucher collections are preserved to some of the first comprehensive floras of various regions in the Balkans (J. Velenovský - Flora Bulgarica, J. Rohlena - Flora montenegrina, G. Beck - flora of Bosnia). Gatherings from other expeditions to the Balkans and the Near East (Orient) in the 19th and 20th centuries are not less important (J. Freyn, F. Vandas, E. Formánek, F.A. Novák). These collections include a number of type specimens and are therefore essential for the stability of nomenclature and systematics of the relevant groups of higher plants; the taxonomic interpretation of the published names substantially depends on the availability of types, and the above types are of great value for authors of Floras and monographs of European and Mediterranean plants.

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