Project Detail

Is invasiveness of aquatic plants triggered by polyploidization? Story of Myriophyllum species.

Name: Is invasiveness of aquatic plants triggered by polyploidization? Story of Myriophyllum species.
Researchers: Trávníček Pavel (member in research team)
Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (MŠMT)
Realization from: 2012
Realization to: 2015
Summary: The genus Myriophyllum represents ideal study group of aquatic plants because: i) there are three invasive species in the US of completely different origin (geographic as well as genetic), ii) at least one invasive species (M. spicatum) is polyploid complex in native area (Europe and Asia) and therefore provide potential to comparative study in respect to ploidy levels occurrence, iii) polyploidy incidence perhaps throughout the genus, but unknown for particular species (iii) there are other native species of the genus in the US, that can suffer from direct hybridization with invaders.

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