List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Reproduction biology and autecology of quillworts Isoetes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
Reproduction biology and autecology of quillworts Isoetes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
Reproduction biology and autecology of quillworts Isoetes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
206/04/0967 Reproduction biology and autecology of the quillworts Isoëtes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures 2004 - 2006
206/04/0967 Reproduction biology and autecology of the quillworts Isoëtes echinospora and I. lacustris in Bohemian Forest lakes and in ex-situ cultures. 2004 - 2006
Reprodukční biologie a autekologie šídlatek Isoëtes echinospora a I. lacustris v šumavských jezerech a kulturách ex situ 2004 - 2006
Rescue cultivation of Potamogeton praelongus 2017 - 2017
AV0Z60050516 Rescue cultivation of Potamogeton praelongus: evaluation of the successibility of the ex-vitro culture 2011 - 2011
MGSII-29 Rescue programme for Potamogeton praelongus 2015 - 2016
GA16-19245S Response to disturbance as the key process in evolution of herbaceous and clonal growth forms: linking phylogenetic and experimental approaches 2016 - 2018
GA16-19245S Response to disturbance as the key process in evolution of herbaceous and clonal growth forms: linking phylogenetic and experimnetal approaches 2016 - 2018
GA16-19245S Response to disturbance as the key process in evolution of herbaceous and clonal growth forms: linking phylogenetic and experimnetal approaches 2016 - 2018
20-08900S Restoration of species rich grasslands: Do we miss intraspecific variability in our understanding to community assembly? 2020 - 2022
GA20-08900S Restoration of species rich grasslands: Do we miss intraspecific variability in our understanding to community assembly? 2020 - 2022
R200051601 Restoration of species-rich meadows by sowing regional seed mixture: why are some species unscuccesful? 2016 - 2016
Rostlinná společenstva Korejského poloostrova: první vegetační syntéza málo známého území 2005 - 2007
Rostliny, hmyz a obratlovci: integrované studium ekologických a evolučních interakcí na populační a ekosystémové úrovni 2003 - 2007
300709 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2016 - 2016
300709 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2018 - 2018
300709 Sale of aquatic and wetland plants cultivated in the Collection 2015 - 2015