List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
SP/2D2/111/08 Natural dynamics of the mountain spruce forest after large disturbance: spatial explicit individial-based model 2008 - 2010
7E09053 EU-based Production and Exploitation of Alternative Rubber and Latex Sources 2008 - 2012
Microevolutionary processes in marginal populations of plants with ploidy heterogeneity: Hieracium echioides as a model system 2008 - 2010
Phylogenetic relations, diversity and ecology of heterocytous cyanobacteria with polarised thallus 2008 - 2010
Invasion by Heracleum mantegazzianum: the role of time and spatial scales 2008 - 2011
Monitoring of National park České Švýcarsko - botany 2008 - 2010
Maloplošné a trvale udržitelné alternativní způsoby obhospodařování luk a lad s ohledem na biodiverzitu flóry a entomofauny. - návrh 2008 - 2012
GA206/09/1471 Charakteristiky druhů jako determinanty vlastností společenstev a ekosystémových funkcí v bylinných společenstvech s manipulovaným druhovým složením 2009 - 2012
Phylogeography and cytotype structure of Hieracium intybaceum (Asteraceae). 2009 - 2011
GA206/09/0291 Worldwide monograph of taxonomy and phylogeny of Potamogetonaceae 2009 - 2013
GA206/09/1564 Multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation of the unique sediments from the former Komořanské jezero Lake, Most Basin, Czech Republic 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/0563 Thermal requirements for the development of ectotherms: searching for general patterns among plants and insects 2009 - 2014
GA526/09/0963 Can success of potential dominant plant species in grassland be forecasted according to functional traits? 2009 - 2013
GA526/09/0963 Can success of potential dominant plant species in grassland be forecasted according to functional traits? 2009 - 2013
FR-TI1/299 Development of strigolactone (STRGL) application technologies for their agrotechnical use 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/0291 Worldwide monograph of taxonomy and phylogeny of Potamogetonaceae 2009 - 2013
GA206/09/0291 Worldwide monograph of taxonomy and phylogeny of Potamogetonaceae 2009 - 2013
M200050902 Vegetation structure and dynamics along elevation gradient in forested landscapes of South Korea 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/1471 Charakteristiky druhů jako determinanty vlastností společenstev a ekosystémových funkcí v bylinných společenstvech s manipulovaným druhovým složením 2009 - 2012
GA206/09/0563 Thermal requirements for the development of ectotherms: searching for general patterns among plants and insects 2009 - 2014