List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
Obejctivity: an experimental approach to the traditional philosophical question 2018 - 2020
P504/12/P540 o arable weeds evolve in response to crop cultivation? 2012 - 2014
NSF-UREP, USA 2000 - 2006
P504/10/0132 Novel Weapons Hypothesis revisited: phytotoxicity of Heracleum mantegazzianium in phylogenetic and invasion dynamics context 2010 - 2013
GAP504/10/0132 Novel Weapons Hypothesis revisited: phytotoxicity of Heracleum mantegazzianium in phylogenetic and invasion dynamics context 2010 - 2013
GAP504/10/0132 Novel Weapons Hypothesis revisited: phytotoxicity of Heracleum mantegazzianium in phylogenetic and invasion dynamics context 2010 - 2013
GAP504/10/0132 Novel Weapons Hypothesis revisited: phytotoxicity of Heracleum mantegazzianium in phylogenetic and invasion dynamics context 2010 - 2013
287,000 Novel methods for the monitoring of harmful drinking water contaminants - cyanobacterial toxins 2012 - 2012
LH12034 Novel in vitro approach for identification of chemopreventive effects and mechanisms of phytochemicals 2012 - 2014
LH12034 Novel in vitro approach for identification of chemopreventive effects and mechanisms of phytochemicals 2012 - 2014
LH12034 Novel in vitro approach for identification of chemopreventive effects and mechanisms of phytochemicals 2012 - 2014
GP206/09/P340 Norway spruce vs. blueberry: the role of symbiotic fungi in interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants 2009 - 2011
GP206/09/P340 Norway spruce vs. blueberry: the role of symbiotic fungi in interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants 2009 - 2011
GP206/09/P340 Norway spruce vs. blueberry: the role of symbiotic fungi in interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants 2009 - 2011
23-05132S New calibration and indicator systems for reconstruction of Holocene climate controlled for local habitat development 2023 - 2025
23-05132S New calibration and indicator systems for reconstruction of Holocene climate controlled for local habitat development 2023 - 2025
300998 Strategie AV21 - ROZE Networking and sustainable developing and increasing of publicity of Collections of the CAV. 2019 - 2019
CA22155 Network for forest by-products charcoal, resin, tar, potash (EU-PoTaRCh) 2023 - 2027
Nepůvodní druhy ve fauně a flóře ČR
Nepůvodní druhy ve fauně a flóře České republiky:vyhodnocení stavu, prognóza vývoje se zvláštním zřetelem na možná rizika dopadu dlouhodobých změn na biodiverzitu, výzkum a definování strategie managementu 2004 - 2006