List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
MAD, Prioritní téma 14 Inventory of lichenized fungi of important habitats in Slovakia and the Czech Republic 2012 - 2014
Sustainable management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe (SMARTER) 2012 - 2017
278065 Long-term woodland dynamics in Central Europe: from estimations to a realistic model 2012 - 2016
LH12178 Diversity and function of native and introduced arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in intensive vegetable production 2012 - 2014
TE01020080 Centre of competence for biorafinery research 2012 - 2019
P504/12/0649 Pollen-based land-cover reconstruction - model testing and its implications for Holocene environmental change studies 2012 - 2015
DF12P01OVV025 Herbaria as a national cultural heritage – type material of lichens described from the territory of the Czech Republic, their identification, digitization and on-line presentation 2012 - 2015
51100899 „Does adventious resprouting\" - mainly neglected trait, play a role in a fast spread of woody plants? 2011, 2012 - 2012, 2013
GAP505/12/1296 Functional species pools: shedding light on the ‘dark diversity’ and its functions 2011 - 2015
GAP505/11/1112 Response of plant communities to invasion: trans-continental biogeographical comparisons of the effects of alien and 2011 - 2015
GAP504/11/1028 Naturalization of garden plants as a result of interplay of species traits, propagule pressure and residence time 2011 - 2015
Proper materials for nanotechnological applications of air and water treatment 2011 - 2014
Establishing of working team and conditions for education in the field of polar ecology and life in extreme environments 2011 - 2014
FR-TI3/196 Advanced technologies for sanitary and toxicological treatment of wastewater plant outlet 2011 - 2014
TA01021283 Vývoj a kalibrace modulární autonomní stanice pro měření vlhkostních a teplotních podmínek v rozsáhlých bodových polích 2011 - 2013
2SGA2858-PS4CTX A novel approach for monitoring, toxicity evaluation and risk assessment of cyanobacterial toxins – a use of passive samplers 2011 - 2013
B1305 Research and Application of Cyanobacteria and Microalgae Isolated from Extreme Habitats (joint research project) 2011 - 2013
GAP504/11/1028 Naturalization of garden plants as a result of interplay of species traits, propagule pressure and residence time 2011 - 2015
GAP504/11/1028 Naturalization of garden plants as a result of interplay of species traits, propagule pressure and residence time 2011 - 2015
GAP504/11/1028 Naturalization of garden plants as a result of interplay of species traits, propagule pressure and residence time 2011 - 2015