List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
VaV: Změny vodní vegetace NPR Břehyňský rybník v závislosti na rybářském hospodaření v sezóně 2003 2003 - 2003
Vliv kvality a množství světla na životní cyklus zelené řasy Scenedesmus obliquus. 2003 - 2005
Phylogeny and recent differentiation in the European alpine/lowland populations of the polyploid complex of Myosotis alpestris (Boraginaceae) 2003 - 2006
Phylogeny and recent differentiation in the European alpine/lowland populations of the polyploid complex of Myosotis alpestris (Boraginaceae) 2003 - 2006
Central European flora as a source of worldwide invasions 2003 - 2005
Phylogeny and recent differentiation in the European alpine/lowland populations of the polyploid complex of Myosotis alpestris (Boraginaceae) 2003 - 2006
Prostorová a časová variabilita vegetace obnažených den na příkladu sádek a rybníků v Českobudějovické pánvi 2003 - 2005
Co nastane při změně rozmnožovacího systému u taxonů rodu Reynoutria? 2003 - 2006
Vegetation and landscape reconstruction for the Last Glacial period in the Czech and Slovak Republic (environment of human populations and fauna) 2003 - 2005
Diverzita mokřadní vegetace v bulharských pohořích 2003 - 2005
Separating effect of population size and competitive environment on plant fitness 2003 - 2005
Phylogeny and recent differentiation in the European alpine/lowland populations of the polyploid complex of Myosotis alpestris (Boraginaceae) 2003 - 2006
Red List of lichens of the Czech Republic 2003 - 2005
Overwintering strategy of Microcystis sp. - does microcystin play a signal role? 2003 - 2005
Diverzita mokřadní vegetace v bulharských pohořích 2003 - 2005
Separating effect of population size and competitive environment on plant fitness 2003 - 2005
Separating effect of population size and competitive environment on plant fitness 2003 - 2005
Phylogeny and recent differentiation in the European alpine/lowland populations of the polyploid complex of Myosotis alpestris (Boraginaceae) 2003 - 2006
Central European flora as a source of worldwide invasions 2003 - 2005
A role of hybrids and hybridization in natural populations of Potamogeton 2003 - 2005