Project Detail

Modern revision of Caloplaca lichen species in Turkey using phenotype characters and multiloci phylogenetic approach

Name: Modern revision of Caloplaca lichen species in Turkey using phenotype characters and multiloci phylogenetic approach
Researchers: Vondrák Jan (international coordinator)
Provider: Tübitak, Turkey
Number: -
Realization from: 2012
Realization to: 2014
Summary: This study aims to investigate phenotypic characters, ecology and distribution of the genus Caloplaca as well as lichenicolous fungi growing on members of this genus in the whole territory of Turkey. Investigations of phenotype will be combined with using genotype data (DNA sequences of two loci: ITS nrDNA and MtSSU DNA) that makes our project the "modern revision of the genus". The flash-point of our project is to describe the biodiversity within the studied group in Turky considering (2) phenotype descriptions, (2) phylogenic appraisials, (3) photographs and (4) identification keys. This project should represent a key study for further serious contributions to the biodiversity of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Turkey.

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