Department of Population Ecology
Study of population dynamics and vegetation monitoring of Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus (since 2012)

Study of population dynamics and vegetation monitoring of Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus (since 2012)

Tomáš Dostálek, Iveta Husáková, Blanka Vlasáková, Zuzana Münzbergová

Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus is a critically endangered species of Czech flora, whose natural habitat is currently limited to one location in the Czech Republic and was also artificially planted and is maintained even in another location. The action plan was created to support its protection. The purpose of the action plan is to achieve an increase in the population size above the level of probable extinction by combination of different actions. Proposed and implemented actions should help to support existing populations and individuals in known and proven ways, but thanks to new findings from the research also bring valuable knowledge about the species reproductive biology and its relationship to other organisms – herbivores, pollinators and other insects in general. The new findings will thus contribute to further targeted conservation of the populations of this endangered species.

Čepelová B. & Dostálek T. 2018: Hvozdík písečný český – poslední poznatky z populační biologie. Ochrana přírody 6, 18-21. (in Czech)
Dostálek T., Husáková I. & Münzbergová Z. 2016: Daří se záchrana hvozdíku písečného českého na Klenči? [Will Protection of the Czech Sand Pink be Successful at Kleneč?] Živa 6, 291-293. (in Czech)