Project Detail

Causes of decline and system of effective restoration of priority habitat types of subalpine grasslands (SUTR)

Name: Causes of decline and system of effective restoration of priority habitat types of subalpine grasslands (SUTR)
Researchers: Hédl Radim (researcher)
Formánková Zuzana (member in research team)
Fabšičová Martina (member in research team)
Bobek Přemysl (member in research team)
Dudová Lydie (member in research team)
Szabó Péter (member in research team)
Number: SS03010065
Realization from: 2021
Realization to: 2023
Summary: The main objective of the project is the restoration and management of priority habitat types of subalpine grasslands. These habitats of European importance in Hrubý Jeseník are currently dying on a large scale and the nature conservation administration is urgently looking for an effective solution. Based on a comprehensive research of possible causes, combining observational and experimental approaches, a methodology will be developed to determine effective restoration measures in the short term. The newly acquired data will allow to assess the long-term context of the use of the subalpine forest-free areas of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains and to formulate a management strategy for the habitats.

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