List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
GP13-10850P Effect of climate change on plant-herbivivore interactions along and elevational gradient in the Himalayan region 2013 - 2015
GA13-17118S Od vlastností druhů k jejich chování v přírodě: odpovědi jedinců a populací 2013 - 2016
GA13-17118S Od vlastností druhů k jejich chování v přírodě: odpovědi jedinců a populací 2013 - 2016
GP13-10850P Effect of climate change on plant-herbivivore interactions along and elevational gradient in the Himalayan region 2013 - 2015
GA13-17118S From species traits to whole plant performance in the field: individual and population responses 2013 - 2016
GA14-21432S Untangling factors underlying distribution of forest mycoheterotrophic species: combining theoretical and experimental approaches 2014 - 2016
14-21432S Untangling factors underlying distribution of forest mycoheterotrophic species: combining theoretical and experimental approaches 2014 - 2016
14-06802S Stress induced memory in clonal plants 2014 - 2016
GA14-21432S Untangling factors underlying distribution of forest mycoheterotrophic species: combining theoretical and experimental approaches 2014 - 2016
14-06802S Stress induced memory in clonal plants 2014 - 2016
GA14-06802S Stress induced memory in clonal plants 2014 - 2016
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
MGSII-18,MGSII-18 Collection of information for updating rescue plan for Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica 2015 - 2016
MGSII-19 Study of population biology and vegetation succession in populations of Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus 2015 - 2016
GA15-09119S Determinants of local plant abundance: relative importance of fitness and stabilizing niche differences 2015 - 2017
MGSII-19 Study of population biology and vegetation succession in populations of Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus 2015 - 2016
GA15-09119S Determinants of local plant abundance: relative importance of fitness and stabilizing niche differences 2015 - 2017
The role of genetic and epigenetic changes and trait variation in adaptation of a clonal plant to changing climate 2015 - 2017
MGSII-18 Collection of specialized materials for update of action plan for Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica 2015 - 2016