List of projects




Identification Code Title   ^   v Realization Period   ^   v
110010 Long-distance dispersal of Jasione montana – the importance for species dynamics in the landscape 2010 - 2012
Evaluation of the influence of controlled fishpond management on littoral vegetation in Lůsy peninsula (National Nature Reserve Velký a Malý Tisý) 2010 - 2010
Paleogeographic reconstruction of Quaternary deglaciation in mountain areas of the Bohemian Massif 2010 - 2013
P504/10/0843 The role of disturbances in dynamics of temperate mountain spruce-dominated forests – a landscape simulation model of the Šumava Mts. 2010 - 2014
GAP505/10/0638 Calcium tolerance in Sphagnum, its physiological and genetic backgrounds, and consequences in mire ecology 2010 - 2014
GAP504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
P504/10/0781 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes colonising the roots of submerged aquatic macrophytes, Isoëtes lacustris and I. echinospora 2010 - 2013
GAP506/10/1363 Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages 2010 - 2013
GAP504/10/0843 Význam disturbancí pro dynamiku temperátních horských smrkových lesů - krajinný simulační model Šumavy 2010 - 2014
Projekt CzechPolar – Czech Polar Stations: Construction and operation expense 2010 - 2015
GAP506/10/1363 Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages 2010 - 2013
GAP506/10/1363 Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages 2010 - 2013
P504/10/0843 The role of disturbances in dynamics of temperate mountain spruce-dominated forests – a landscape simulation model of the Šumava Mts. 2010 - 2014
P506/10/1363 Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages 2010 - 2013
GAP504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
GAP504/10/1486 Correlation of changes in mycorrhizal community and diversity of rare species on abandoned fields 2010 - 2014
P506/10/1363,P506/10/1363 Phylogeny of subtribe Hieraciinae (Asteraceae) - a model example of contrasting evolutionary strategies in closely related lineages 2010 - 2013
GAP505/10/0638 Calcium tolerance in Sphagnum, its physiological and genetic backgrounds, and consequences in mire ecology 2010 - 2014
Paleogeographic reconstruction of Quaternary deglaciation in mountain areas of the Bohemian Massif 2010 - 2013
P504/10/0781 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes colonising the roots of submerged aquatic macrophytes, Isoëtes lacustris and I. echinospora 2010 - 2013