


Jooste M., Dreyer L. L. & Oberlander K. 2016: The phylogenetic significance of leaf anatomical traits of southern African Oxalis. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16, 1 - 19.
Kolář F., Fuxová G., Záveská E., Nagano A. J., Hyklová L., Lučanová M., Kudoh H. & Marhold K. 2016: Northern glacial refugia and altitudinal niche divergence shape genome-wide differentiation in the emerging plant model Arabidopsis arenosa. Molecular Ecology 25, 3929 - 3949. doi:10.1111/mec.13721
Kolář F., Lučanová M., Záveská E., Fuxová G., Mandáková T., Španiel S., Senko D., Svitok M., Kolník M., Gudžinskas Z. & Marhold K. 2016: Ecological segregation does not drive the intricate parapatric distribution of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the Arabidopsis arenosa group (Brassicaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119, 673 - 688. doi:10.1111/bij.12479
Melonek J., Stone J. D. & Small I. 2016: Evolutionary plasticity of restorer-of-fertility-like proteins in rice. Scientific Reports 6, 1 - 12.
Musvuugwa T., de Beer Z. W., Duong T.A., Dreyer L. L., Oberlander K. & Roets F. 2016: Wounds on Rapanea melanophloeos provide habitat for a large diversity of Ophiostomatales including four new species. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 109, 877 - 894.
Oberlander K. C., Dreyer L. L., Goldblatt P., Suda J. & Linder P. H. 2016: Species-rich and polyploid-poor: insights into the evolutionary role of whole genome duplication from the Cape flora biodiversity hotspot. American Journal of Botany 103, 1336 - 1347. doi:10.3732/ajb.1500474
Roets F. & Oberlander K. 2016: Oxalis dreyerae (Oxalidaceae), a new species from South Africa. Phytotaxa 286, 99 - 106.
Schmickl R., Liston A., Zeisek V., Oberlander K., Weitemier K., Straub S. C. K., Cronn R. C., Dreyer L. L. & Suda J. 2016: Phylogenetic marker development for target enrichment from transcriptome and genome skim data: the pipeline and its application in southern African Oxalis (Oxalidaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 16, 1124 - 1135. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12487
Sonnleitner M., Hülber K., Flatscher R., Escobar García P., Winkler M., Suda J., Schönswetter P. & Schneeweiss G. M. 2016: Ecological differentiation of diploid and polyploid cytotypes of Senecio carniolicus s.l. (Asteraceae) is stronger in areas of sympatry. Annals of Botany 117, 269 - 276. doi:10.1093/aob/mcv176
Čertner M., Kolář F., Schönswetter P. & Frajman B. 2015: Does hybridization with a widespread congener threaten the long-term persistence of the Eastern Alpine rare local endemic Knautia carinthiaca? Ecology and Evolution 5, 4263 - 4276. doi:10.1002/ece3.1686
Dąbrowska M. A., Rola K., Volkova P., Suda J. & Zalewska-Gałosz J. 2015: Genome size and phenotypic variation of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) species from Eastern Europe and temperate Asia. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 84, 277 - 286. doi:10.5586/asbp.2015.016
Hülber K., Sonnleitner M., Suda J., Krejčíková J., Schönswetter P., Schneeweiss G. M. & Winkler M. 2015: Ecological differentiation, lack of hybrids involving diploids, and asymmetric gene flow between polyploids in narrow contact zones of Senecio carniolicus (syn. Jacobaea carniolica, Asteraceae). Ecology and Evolution 5, 1224 - 1234. doi:10.1002/ece3.1430
Chumová Z., Krejčíková J., Mandáková T., Suda J. & Trávníček P. 2015: Evolutionary and taxonomic implications of variation in nuclear genome size: lesson from the grass genus Anthoxanthum (Poaceae). PLoS One 10, 1 - 17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133748
Kolář F., Kaplan Z., Suda J. & Štech M. 2015: Populations of Knautia in ecologically distinct refugia on the Hercynian massif belong to two endemic species. Preslia 87, 363 - 386.
Kolář F., Píšová S., Záveská E., Fér T., Weiser M., Ehrendorfer F. & Suda J. 2015: The origin of unique diversity in deglaciated areas: traces of Pleistocene processes in north-European endemics from the Galium pusillum polyploid complex (Rubiaceae). Molecular Ecology 24, 1311 - 1334. doi:10.1111/mec.13110
Machingambi N. M., Dreyer L. L., Oberlander K., Roux J. & Roets F. 2015: Death of endemic Virgilia oroboides trees in South Africa caused by Diaporthe virgiliae sp. nov. Plant Pathology 64, 1149 - 1156.
Musvuugwa T., de Beer Z. W., Duong T. A., Dreyer L. L., Oberlander K. & Roets F. 2015: New species of Ophiostomatales from Scolytinae and Platypodinae beetles in the Cape Floristic Region, including the discovery of the sexual state of Raffaelea. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 108, 933 - 950.
Paule J., Kolář F. & Dobeš C. 2015: Arctic-alpine and serpentine differentiation in polyploid Potentilla crantzii. Preslia 87, 195 - 215.
Píšová S., Hroudová Z., Fér T., Ducháček M. & Zákravský P. 2015: Známe naše kamyšníky? Morfologické, ekologické a genetické zajímavosti středoevropských zástupců rodu Bolboschoenus. (Do we know our Bolboschoenus species? Morphological, ecological and genetic interests.) Živa 58, 165 - 168.
Smith T.W., Walinga C., Wang S., Kron P., Suda J. & Zalapa J. 2015: Evaluating the relationship between diploid and tetraploid Vaccinium oxycoccos L. (Ericaceae) in eastern Canada. Botany-Botanique 93, 623 - 636. doi:10.1139/cjb-2014-0223