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2003: Mandák B. (2003): Rozšíření vybraných druhů rodu Atriplex v České republice. I. Druhy sekce Dichosperma. (Geographical distribution of selected Atriplex species in the Czech Republic. II. Species of sect. Dichosperma). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. (.).
2003: Mandák B. (2003): Rozšíření vybraných druhů rodu Atriplex v České republice. II. Druhy sekce Sclerocalymma. (Geographical distribution of selected Atriplex species in the Czech Republic. II. Species of sect. Sclerocalymma). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Sp. (.).
2003: Mihulka, S. - Pyšek, P. - Martínková, J. Invasiveness of Oenothera congeners in Europe related to seed characterictics. In: Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats and Management Solutions. - (Ed. Child, L.E.; Brock, J.H.; Brundu, G.; Prach, K.; Pyšek, P..
2003: Mihulka, S. - Pyšek, P. - Pyšek, A. Oenothera coronifera, a new alien species for the Czech flora, and Oenothera stricta, recorded again after nearly two centuries. Preslia, 75, 263-270 (2003)..
2003: Pyšek, A. - Pyšek, P. - Jarošík, V. - Hájek, M. Diversity of native and alien plant species on rubbish dumps: effects of dump age, environmental factors and toxicity. Diversity and Distribution, 9, 177-189 (2003)..
2003: Pyšek, P. - Jarošík, V. - Kučera, T. Inclusion of native and alien species in temperate nature reserves: an historical study from Central Europe. Conservation Biology, 17 [5] 1414-1424 (2003)..
2003: Pyšek, P. - Sádlo, J. - Mandák, B. Alien flora of the Czech Republic, its composition, structure and history. In: Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats and Management Solutions. - (Ed. Child, L.E.; Brock, J.H.; Brundu, G.; Prach, K.; Pyšek, P.; Wade, P..
2003: Pyšek, P. - Sádlo, J. - Mandák, B. - Jarošík, V. Czech alien flora and the historical pattern of its formation: what came first to Central Europe? Oecologia, 135, 122-130 (2003)..
2003: Pyšek P., Sádlo J. & Mandák B. (2003): Alien flora of the Czech Republic, its composition, structure and history. – In: Child L. E., Brock J. H., Brundu G., Prach K., Pyšek P., Wade P. M. & Williamson M. (eds.), Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats a..
2002: Mahelka V., Mandák B. & Bímová K. (2002): Synantropní flóra vybraných sídlišť v CHKO Kokořínsko. (Synanthrophic flora of selected villages in the Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 37: 171–183. (.).
2002: Mandák B. & Pyšek P. (2002): Reynoutria, křídlatka. – In: Kubát K., Hrouda L., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z., Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. (eds.), Klíč ke květeně České republiky, p. 201–202, Academia, Praha..
2002: Mandák B. (2002): Atriplex, lebeda. – In: Kubát K., Hrouda L., Chrtek J. jun., Kaplan Z., Kirschner J. & Štěpánek J. (eds.), Klíč ke květeně České republiky, p. 181–183, Academia, Praha..
2002: Pyšek, P. - Jarošík, V. - Kučera, T. Patterns of invasion in temperate nature reserves. Biological Conservation, 104, 13-24 (2002)..
2002: Pyšek, P. - Jarošík, V. - Kučera, T. Patterns of invasion in temperate nature reserves. Biological Conservation, 104, 13-24 (2002)..
2002: Pyšek, P. - Kučera, T. - Jarošík, V. Plant species richness of nature reserves: the interplay of area, climate and habitat in a central European landscape. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11, 279-289 (2002)..
2002: Pyšek, P. - Sádlo, J. - Mandák, B. Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia, 74, 97-186 (2002)..
2001: Bímová, K. - Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Experimental control of Reynoutria congeners: a comparative study of a hybrid and its parents. In: Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem management. - (Ed. Brundu, G.; Brock, J.; Camarda, I.; Child, L.; Wad..
2001: Bímová K., Mandák B. & Pyšek P. (2001): Experimental control of Reynoutria congeners: a comparative study of a hybrid and its parents. – In: Brundu G., Brock J., Camarda I., Child L. & Wade M. (eds.), Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem m..
2001: Mandák B. & Bímová K. (2001): Nový druh jihoafrického starčku v České republice – Senecio inaequidens (A new species of the South African ragwort in the Czech Republic – Senecio inaequidens). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ, Praha, 36: 29–36..