Institute of Botany
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
the largest centre of botanical research in the Czech Republic
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Publications |
Sejfová Z. & Malíček J. 2021: Atlas českých lišejníků: (Atlas of Czech lichens: Živa 69, 188 - 188. |
Sejfová Z., Mlíkovský J., Ewome F. L., Janečková P., Klomberg Y., Njie M. M. & Janeček Š. 2021: Sunbirds’ tendency to hover: the roles of energetic rewards, inflorescence architecture and rain. Journal of Avian Biology 52, 1 - 10. |
Janečková P., Sejfová Z., Janeček Š., Chmel K,, Chmelová E. & Ewome F. L. 2020: Behavioural correlates of drinking speed in two West African sunbird species. Bird Study 67, 540 - 542. |