Institute of Botany
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
the largest centre of botanical research in the Czech Republic
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Publications |
Fér T. & Schmickl R. 2018: HybPhyloMaker: Target Enrichment Data Analysis From Raw Reads to Species Trees. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 14, 1 - 9. |
Schmickl R., Marburger S., Bray S. & Yant L. 2017: Hybrids and horizontal transfer: introgression allows adaptive allele discovery. Journal of Experimental Botany 68, 5453 - 5470. doi:10.1093/jxb/erx297 |
Schmickl R., Liston A., Zeisek V., Oberlander K., Weitemier K., Straub S. C. K., Cronn R. C., Dreyer L. L. & Suda J. 2016: Phylogenetic marker development for target enrichment from transcriptome and genome skim data: the pipeline and its application in southern African Oxalis (Oxalidaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources 16, 1124 - 1135. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12487 |
Hohmann N., Schmickl R., Chiang T.-Y., Lučanová M., Kolář F., Marhold K. & Koch M. A. 2014: Taming the wild: resolving the gene pools of non-model Arabidopsis lineages. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 1 - 21. doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0224-x |
Kiefer M., Schmickl R., German D. A., Mandáková T., Lysak M. A., Al-Shehbaz I. A., Franzke A., Mummenhoff K., Stamatakis A. & Koch M. A. 2014: BrassiBase: Introduction to a Novel Knowledge Database on Brassicaceae Evolution. Plant and Cell Physiology 55, 1 - 9. doi:10.1093/pcp/pct158 |
Weitemier K., Straub S. C., Cronn R. C., Fishbein M., Schmickl R., McDonnell A. & Liston A. 2014: Hyb-Seq: Combining target enrichment and genome skimming for plant phylogenomics. Applications in Plant Sciences 2, 1 - 7. doi:10.3732/apps.1400042 |