Institute of Botany
of the Czech Academy of Sciences
the largest centre of botanical research in the Czech Republic
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Publications |
Malíková L, Mudrák O & Klimešová J 2012: Adventitious sprouting enables the invasive annual herb Euphorbia geniculata to regenerate after severe injury. Ecological Research 27, 841 - 847. doi:10.1007/s11284-012-0960-6 |
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Allelopathic effect of Salix caprea litter on late successional plants at different substrates of post-mining sites: pot experiment studies. Botany-Botanique 90, 311 - 318. doi:10.1139/B2012-005 |
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Obnova Sokolovských výsypek pomocí spontánní sukcese. In: Jongepierova I., Pešout P., Jongepier J. W. & Prach K. (ed.) Ekologická obnova v České republice. AOPK, Praha., 99 - 101. |
Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: Restoration of spoil heaps by spontaneous succession in the Sokolov coal mining area. In: Jongepierova I., Pešout P., Jongepier J. W. & Prach K. (ed.) Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Prague, 99 - 101. |
Mudrák O., Uteseny K. & Frouz J. 2012: Earthworms drive succession of both plant and Collembola communities in post-mining sites. Applied Soil Ecology 62, 170 - 177. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.08.004 |
Roubíčková A., Mudrák O. & Frouz J. 2012: The effect of belowground herbivory by wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) on performance of Calamagrostis epigejos (L) Roth in post-mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 50, 51 - 55. doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2011.12.004 |
Mudrák O., Frouz J. & Velichová V. 2010: Understory vegetation in reclaimed and unreclaimed post-mining forest stands. Ecological Engineering 36, 783 - 790. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.02.003 |
Mudrák O., & Lepš J. 2010: Interactions of the Hemiparasitic Species Rhinanthus minor with its Host Plant Community at Two Nutrient Levels. Folia Geobotanica 45, 407 - 424. doi:10.1007/s12224-010-9078-1 |
Lanta V, Doležal J., Lantová P, Kelíšek J. & Mudrák O. 2009: Effects of pasture management and fertilizer regimes on botanical changes in species-rich mountain calcareous grassland in Central Europe. Grass and Forage Science 64, 443 - 453. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2494.2009.00709.x |