


Cross A. T., Skates L. M., Adamec L., Hammond C. M., Sheridan P. M. & Dixon K. W. 2015: Population ecology of the endangered aquatic carnivorous macrophyte Aldrovanda vesiculosa at a naturalised site in North America. Freshwater Biology 60, 1772 - 1783. doi:10.1111/fwb.12609
Adamec L. 2014: Different reutilization of mineral nutrients in senescent leaves of aquatic and terrestrial carnivorous Utricularia species. Aquatic Botany 119, 1 - 6. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.06.002
Beretta M., Rodondi G., Adamec L. & Andreis C. 2014: Pollen morphology of European bladderworts (Utricularia L., Lentibulariaceae). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 205, 22 - 30. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2014.02.009
Kučerová A., Adamec L. & Husák Š. 2014: Sbírka vodních a mokřadních rostlin v Třeboni aneb vodní a mokřadní rostliny suchou nohou. (Collection of aquatic and wetlands plants in Třeboň - aquatic and wetlands plants with dry feets.) Botanika 2, 9 - 11.
Pavlovič A., Krausko M., Libiaková M. & Adamec L. 2014: Feeding on prey increases photosynthetic efficiency in the carnivorous sundew Drosera capensis. Annals of Botany 113, 69 - 78. doi:10.1093/aob/mct254
Płachno B. J., Adamec L. & Kamińska I. 2014: Relationship between trap anatomy and function in Australian carnivorous bladderworts (Utricularia) of the subgenus Polypompholyx. Aquatic Botany 120, 290 - 296. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.09008
Płachno B. J., Adamec L., Kozieradzka-Kiszkurno M., Świątek P. & Kamińska I. 2014: Cytochemical and ultrastructural aspects of aquatic carnivorous plant turions. Protoplasma 251, 1449 - 1454. doi:10.1007/s00709-014-0646-8
Prausová R., Adamec L., Kitner M., Pásek K. & Dvořák V. 2014: Záchrana rdestu dlouholistého (Potamogeton praelongus) v České republice. (The conservation of the Long-stalked Pondweed (Potamogeton praelongus) in the Czech Republic.) Příroda (Praha) 32, 19 - 40.
Sirová D., Šantrůček J., Adamec L., Bárta J., Borovec J., Pech J., Owens S. M., Šantrůčková H., Schäufele R., Štorchová H. & Vrba J. 2014: Dinitrogen fixation associated with shoots of aquatic carnivorous plants: is it ecologically important? Annals of Botany 114, 125 - 133. doi:10.1093/aob/mcu067
Veleba A., Bureš P., Adamec L., Šmarda P, Lipnerová I. & Horová L. 2014: Genome size and genomic GC content evolution in the miniature genome-sized family Lentibulariaceae. New Phytologist 203, 22 - 28.
Adamec L. 2013: A comparison of photosynthetic and respiration rates in six aquatic carnivorous Utricularia species differing in morphology. Aquatic Botany 111, 89 - 94. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2013.06.004
Adamec L. 2013: Foliar mineral nutrient uptake in carnivorous plants: What do we know and what should we know? Frontiers in Plant Science 4, 1 - 3. doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00010
Adamec L. 2013: Pěstování tropické vodní bublinatky Utricularia inflexa. (Growing of the tropical aquatic Utricularia inflexa.) Trifid (Praha) 18, 18 - 23.
Adamec L. 2013: Soděržanije vodnych vidov puzyrčatok. Akvaflora 1, 10 - 25.
Adamec L. & Kučerová A. 2013: Overwintering temperatures affect freezing temperatures of turions of aquatic plants. Flora 208, 497 - 501. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2013.07.009
Adamec L. & Kučerová A. 2013: Záchranné výsadby ohrožených druhů vodních rostlin v CHKO Třeboňsko v období 1994-2012. (Rescue introductions of endangered species of aquatic plants to the Protected Landscape Area Třeboňsko during 1994–2012.) Sborník Jihočeského muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní vědy 53, 59 - 69.
Kitner M., Prausová R. & Adamec L. 2013: Present status of genetic diversity of Potamogeton praelongus populations in the Czech Republic. Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 53, 73 - 86.
Lamont E. E., Sivertsen R., Doyle C. & Adamec L. 2013: Extant populations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) in the New World. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 140, 517 - 522.
Adamec L. 2012: Firing and resetting characteristics of carnivorous Utricularia reflexa traps: physiological or only physical regulation of trap triggering? Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 52, 281 - 290.
Adamec L. 2012: News in ecophysiological research on aquatic Utricularia traps. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter (Pinole, CA, USA) 41, 92 - 104.