


Pushkareva E., Elster J., Kudoh S., Imura S. & Becker B. 2024: Microbial community composition of terrestrial habitats in East Antarctica with a focus on microphototrophs. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1 - 10.
Savaglia V., Lambrechts S., Tydgat B., Vanhellmont Q., Elster J., Willems A., Wilmotte A., Verlyen E. & Vyverman W. 2024: Geology defines microbiome structure and composition in nunataks and valleys of the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica. Frontiers in Microbiology 15, 1 - 15. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2024.1316633
Bělohlav V., Jirout T., Elster J., Liška J., Nedbalová L. & Kvíderová J. 2023: Kultivace polárních mikrořas v otočném deskovém fotobioreaktoru. (Cultivation of polar microalgae in a rotating plate photobioreactor.) Chemické listy 117, 613 - 618. doi:10.54779/chl20230613
Elster J., Souquieres C. E., Jadrná I., Škaloud P., Søreide J. E. & Kvíderová J. 2023: Invasive Vaucheria aff. compacta (Xanthophyceae) and its distribution over a high Arctic tidal flat in Svalbard. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 281, 1 - 9. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108206
Luláková P., Šantrůčková H., Elster J., Hanáček M., Kotas P., Meador T., Tajenecký V. & Bárta J. 2023: Mineral substrate quality determines the initial soil microbial development in front of the Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 99, 1 - 15. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiad104
Pushkareva E., Elster J. & Becker B. 2023: Metagenomic Analysis of Antarctic Biocrusts Unveils a Rich Range of Cold-Shock Proteins. Microorganisms 11, 1 - 6. doi:10.3390/microorganisms11081932
Souquieres C. E., Kvíderová J. & Elster J. 2023: Extensive microphytobenthos mats of invasive Vaucheria aff. compacta and abiotic environmental factors influencing its abundance in Adventfjorden tidal flat, Svalbard. Polar Biology 46, 1307 - 1320. doi:10.1007/s00300-023-03203-y
Wada T., Kudoh S., Koyama H., Iakovenko N., Elster J., Kvíderová J., Otani M., Shimada S. & Imura S. 2023: Abundance and biomass of Bdelloid rotifers in the microbial mats from East Antarctica: The ecological relations between microscopic phototrophs and invertebrate. Ecological Research 38, 317 - 330. doi:10.1111/1440-1703.12368
Pedersen Å. Ø., Convey P., Newsham K. K., Mosbacher J. B., Fuglei E., Ravolainen V., Hansen B. B., Jensen T. C., Augusti A., Biersma E. M., Cooper E. J., Coulson S. J., Gabrielsen G. V., Gallet J. C., Karsten U., Kristiansen S. M., Svenning M. M., Tveit A. T., Uchida M., Baneschi I., Calizza E., Cannone N., de Goede E. M., Doveri M., Elster J., Giamberini M. S., Hayashi K., Lang S. I., Lee Y. K., Nakatsubo T., Pasquali V., Paulsen I. M. G., Pedersen C., Peng F., Provenzale A., Pushkareva E., Sandström C. A. M., Sklet V., Stach A., Tojo M., Tytgat B., Tømmervik H., Velazquez D., Verleyen E., Welker J. M., Yao Y.-F. & Loonen M. J. J. E. 2022: Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Polar Research 41, 1 - 39. doi:10.33265/polar.v41.6310
Pushkareva E., Elster J., Holzinger A., Niedzwiedz S. & Becker B. 2022: Biocrusts from Iceland and Svalbard: Does microbial community composition differ substantially? Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 1 - 11. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.1048522
Šnokhous, K., Bělohlav, V., Jirout, T. Krátký,, L., Elster, J., Kvíderová, J., Liška, J., Lukavský, J. & Nedbalová, L. 2022: Rotační deskový reaktor, zejména pro kultivaci mikrořas..
Di Prisco G., Edwards H. G. M., Elster J. & Huiskes A. H. L. 2021: Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1 - 364. doi:10.1017/9781108683319
Di Prisco G., Huiskes A. H. L., Elster J. & Edwards H. G. M. 2021: Introduction. In: Di Prisco G., Edwards H. G. M., Elster J. & Huiskes A. H. L. (eds.) Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge., 1 - 5. doi:10.1017/9781108683319.001
Elster J. 2021: PART I I I - Life in extreme environments and the responses to change: the example of polar environments. In: Di Prisco G., Edwards H. G. M., Elster J. & Huiskes A. H. L. (eds.) Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge., 149 - 150. doi:10.1017/9781108683319.010
Jimel M., Kvíderová J. & Elster J. 2021: Annual cycle of mat-forming filamentous alga Tribonema cf. minus (Stramenopiles, Xanthophyceae) in hydro-terrestrial habitats in the high Arctic revealed by multiparameter fluorescent staining. Journal of Phycology 57, 780 - 796. doi:10.1111/jpy.13109
Lyčka Z. & Elster J. 2021: Arktida a její reakce na globální oteplování – příběh české vědy. (The Arctic and its reaction to global warming - the story of Czech science.) Živa 69, 2 - 5.
Lyčka Z. & Elster J. 2021: Český polární výzkum a Arktický festival – Dny arktické a české vědy a kultury. (Czech Polar Research and the Arctic Festival - Days of Arctic and Czech Science and Culture.) Živa 69, 21 - 22.
Petkov B. H., Vitale V., Di Carlo P., Hansen G. H., Svendby T. V., Láska K., Sobolewski P. S., Solomatnikova A., Pavlova K., Johnsen B., Posyniak M. A., Elster J., Mazzola M., Lupi L, & Verazzo G. 2021: The extreme Arctic ozone depletion in 2020 as was observed from Svalbard (EXAODEP-2020). SESS Report 2021 Sumary for stakeholders 1, 66 - 73. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5751922
Pichrtová M., Hejduková E., Nedbalová L. & Elster J. 2021: How to survive winter? Adaptation and acclimation strategies in eukaryotic algae from polar terrestrial ecosystems. In: Di Prisco G., Edwards H. G. M., Elster J. & Huiskes A. H. L. (eds.) Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge., 101 - 125. doi:10.1017/9781108683319.008
Vonnahme T. R., Persson E., Dietrich U., Hejduková E., Dybwad C., Elster J., Chierici M. & Gradinger R. 2021: Early spring subglacial discharge plumes fuel under-ice primary production at a Svalbard tidewater glacier. Cryosphere 15, 2083 - 2107. doi:10.5194/tc-15-2083-2021