


Guo W.-Y., Čuda J., Skálová H., Lambertini C., Pierce S., Lučanová M., Brix H., Meyerson L. A. & Pyšek, P. 2024: Climate and genome size shape the intraspecific variation in ecological adaptive strategies of a cosmopolitan grass species. Functional Ecology 38, 2054 - 2066.
Kohout P., Sudová R., Odriozola I., Kvasničková J., Petružálková M., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S., Skálová H. & Herben T. 2024: Accumulation of pathogens in soil microbiome can explain long-term fluctuations of legumes in a grassland community. New Phytologist 244, 235 - 248. doi:10.1111/nph.20031
Březina S., Pecháčková S., Krahulec F. & Skálová H. 2023: Louky. Dobrodružství poznávání. (Meadows and thier research.) Academia, 1 - 224.
Conti L., Valencia E., Galland T., Götzenberger L., Lepš J., E-Vojtkó A., Carmona C. P., Májeková M., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Eldridge D. J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez D., Hadincová V., Harrison S. P., Herben T., Ibáñez R., Jentsch A., Juergens N., Kertész M., Klumpp K., Krahulec F., Louault F., Marrs R. H., Ónodi G., Pakeman R. J., Pärtel M., Peco B., Peñuelas J., Rueda M., Schmidt W., Schmiedel U., Schuetz M., Skalova H., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Smit C., Song M., Stock M., Val J., Vandvik V., Ward D., Wesche K., Wiser S. K., Woodcock B. A., Young T. P., Yu F-H., Zobel M. & de Bello F. 2023: Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 290, 1 - 10. doi:10.1098/rspb.2023.0344
Moravcová L., Skálová H. & Gioria M. 2023: Klíč k úspěchu invazních rostlin: půdní banka semen. (The key to the success of invasive plants: the soil seed bank.) Botanika 11, 16 - 18. doi:_
Skálová H., Jandová K., Balšánková T., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S., Krak K. & Herben T. 2023: Cations make a difference: Soil nutrient patches and fine-scale root abundance of individual species in a mountain grassland. Functional Ecology 37, 915 - 928. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14277
Herben T., Šašek J., Balšánková T., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Krak K., Pecháčková S. & Skálová H. 2022: The shape of root systems in a mountain meadow: plastic responses or species-specific architectural blueprints? New Phytologist 235, 2223 - 2236. doi:10.1111/nph.18132
Moravcová L., Carta A., Pyšek P., Skálová H. & Gioria M. 2022: Long‑term seed burial reveals diferences in the seed‑banking strategies of naturalized and invasive alien herbs. Scientific Reports 12, 1 - 10.
Pyšek P., Sádlo J., Chrtek J., Chytrý M., Kaplan Z., Pergl J., Pokorná A., Axmanová I., Čuda J., Doležal J., Dřevojan P., Hejda M., Kočár P., Kortz A., Lososová Z., Lustyk P., Skálová H., Štajerová K., Večeřa M., Vítková M., Wild J. & Danihelka J. 2022: Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (3rd edition): species richness, status, distributions, habitats, regional invasion levels, introduction pathways and impacts. Preslia 94, 447 - 577. doi:10.23855/preslia.2022.447
Skálová H., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S. & Herben T. 2022: Dynamics of a mountain grassland: Environment predicts long-term trends, while species’ traits predict short-term fluctuations. Journal of Vegetation Science 33, 1 - 13. doi:DOI: 10.1111/jvs.13138
Sperandii M. G., de Bello F., Valencia E., Götzenberger L., Bazzichetto M., Galland T., E-Vojtkó A., Conti L., Adler P. B., Buckley H., Danihelka J., Day N. J., Dengler J., Eldridge D. J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez-García D., Hallett L., Harrison S., Herben T., Ibáñez R., Jentsch A., Juergens N., Kertész M., Kimuyu D. M., Klumpp K., Le Duc M., Louault F., Marrs R. H., Ónodi G., Pakeman R. J., Pärtel M., Peco V., Peñuelas J., Rueda M., Schmidt W., Schmiedel U., Schuetz M., Skalova H., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Smit C., Song M.-H., Stock M., Val J., Vandvik V., Wesche K., Wiser S. K., Woodcock B. A, Young T. P., Yu F.-H., Wolf A. A., Zobel M. & Lepš J. 2022: LOTVS: A global collection of permanent vegetation plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 33, 1 - 11. doi:10.1111/jvs.1311
Čuda J., Skálová H., Meyerson L. A. & Pyšek P. 2021: Regeneration of Phragmites australis from rhizome and culm fragments: an experimental test of environmental effects, population origin and invasion status. Preslia 93, 237 - 254. doi:10.23855/preslia.2021.237
Rea Maria Hall R. M., Urban B., Skálová H., Moravcová L., Starfnger U., Kazinczi G., van Valkenburg J., Fenesi A., Konstantinovic B., Uludag A., Lommen S. & Karrer G.. 2021: Seed viability of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is affected by seed origin and age, but also by testing method and laboratory. NeoBiota 70, 193 - 221. doi:doi: 10.3897/neobiota.70.66915
Čuda J., Skálová H. & Pyšek P. 2020: Spread of Impatiens glandulifera from riparian habitats to forests and its associated impacts: insights from a new invasion. Weed Research 60, 8 - 15. doi:10.1111/wre.12400
Hadincová V., Skálová H. & Münzbergová Z. 2020: Genotypic diversity and genotype identity of resident species drive community composition. Journal of Plant Ecology 13, 224 - 232. doi:10.1093/jpe/rtaa004
Herben T., Balšánková T., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S., Skálová H. & Krak K. 2020: Fine-scale root community structure in the field: Species aggregations change with root density. Journal of Ecology 108, 1738 - 1749. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13372
Herben T., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S. & Skálová H. 2020: Which traits predict pairwise interactions in a mountain grassland? Journal of Vegetation Science 31, 699 - 710. doi:10.1111/jvs.12872
Pyšek P., Čuda J., Šmilauer P., Skálová H., Chumová Z., Lambertini C., Lučanová M., Ryšavá H., Trávníček P., Šemberová K. & Meyerson L. A. 2020: Competition among native and invasive Phragmites australis populations: an experimental test of the effects of invasion status, genome size, and ploidy level. Ecology and Evolution 10, 1106 - 1118. doi:10.1002/ECE3.5907
Valencia E., de Bello F., Galland T., Adler P., Lepš J., E-Vojtko A., van Klink R., Carmona C. P., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Eldridge D. J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez-García D., Harrison S. P., Herben T., Ibáñez R., Jentsch A., Juergens N., Kertész M., Klumpp K., Louault F., Marrs R. H., Ogaya R., Ónodi G., Pakeman R. J., Pardo I., Pärtel M., Peco B., Peñuelas J., Pywell R. F., Rueda M., Schmidt W., Schmiedel U., Schuetz M., Skálová H., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Smit C., Song M.-H., Stock M., Val J., Vandvik V., Ward D., Wesche K., Wiser S. K., Woodcock B. A., Young T. P., Yu F.-H, Zobel M. & Götzenberger L. 2020: Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 117, 24345 - 24351. doi:10.1073/pnas.1920405117
Valencia E., de Bello F., Lepš J., Galland T., E-Vojtko A., Conti L., Danihelka J., Dengler J., Eldridge D. J., Estiarte M., García-González R., Garnier E., Gómez D., Harrison S., Herben T., Ibáñez R., Jentsch A., Juergens N., Kertész M., Klumpp K., Louault F., Marrs R. H., Ónodi G., Pakeman R. J., Pärtel M., Peco B., Peñuelas J., Rueda M., Schmidt W., Schmiedel U., Schuetz M., Skálová H., Šmilauer P., Šmilauerová M., Smit C., Song M.-H., Stock M., Val J., Vandvik V., Wesche K., Woodcock B. A., Young T. P., Yu F.-H., Zobel M. & Götzenberger L. 2020: Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year-to-year asynchrony. Journal of Vegetation Science 31, 792 - 802. doi:10.1111/jvs.12916